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Friday, February 14, 2025

10 Gruesome Ways to be killed from across the World

10. Buried Alive:


A method of execution which was used by the Chinese and Europeans for a long period of time. Europeans used it to punish women. Most famously on Vestal Virgins who violated the oath of celibacy. There are two methods of being buried alive, either you have oxygen or you don’t. In the case of an enclosed coffin, you don’t get much oxygen and you will die within a few hours, but you will pass out way before you actually die. The second form is more frightening, that is when you actually have access to oxygen, such as being buried in soil. In this case, you can last days, and you will be fully aware that you are buried alive and would be left in the darkness. It’s a slow and agonizing death.

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9. Colombian Necktie


A gruesome execution method in which the victim’s throat is cut horizontally, with a sharp object, and his/her tongue is pulled out through the open wound. This method of execution was first used during the outbreak of the Colombian civil war. Nowadays, it is being used by drug lords as a ‘means’ to coerce others.

8. The Spanish Tickler


This was used as a weapon and to torture people, mainly thieves and unfaithful wives. This weapon is from long, sharp iron spikes that resemble claws. The purpose of this tool is to rip out flesh off bones, from any part of the body. It is a slow, traumatizing and agonizing death, and if you didn’t die from the wounds, you will surely die from the infections due to the deep cuts made by the blades, that were never washed, hence the chance of infections was very high. A common way of using this gruesome weapon was to attach it to an end of a long stick, and then use it to tear down the victims back as they were hung up by the wrists.

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7. Blood Eagle


This method of torture and execution is part of the legends of the ‘Nordic saga’. This method requires cutting the ribs of the victim by the spine and then breaking the ribs so they resemble blood-stained wings. The second step involves pulling the lungs out through the wounds in the victim’s back. The last part is to sprinkle salt on the wounds. However, it is not sure if this method was ever practiced. If it was, the victim would lose consciousness due to the amount of blood loss and shock and would die of suffocation when the lungs are pulled out.

6. Death by a Thousand Cuts


Originated in China, this was one of the most brutal execution methods ever designed. However, it was banned in 1905. In this method, the victim was tied to a wooden frame, usually in a public place. The flesh was then sliced from the body, at first only from victim’s breasts and thighs. Then his limbs were gradually amputated, followed by, ears, nose and genitals. After 10-20 minutes, the victim was decapitated or stabbed to the heart. During the execution, opium was given to the victim as an act of mercy.

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5. Impalement


Impalement was used during the middle ages. The criminal was forced to sit on a thick, sharpened wooden pole. The pole was then slowly raised upright and the criminal was left to gradually slide further down the pole only by his or her own weight. The pole then pierced it way through victim’s chest, shoulder or neck. Sometimes, it would take more than three days for a person to die, in a very slow and painful way.

4. Blazen Bull


The blazen bull or the bronze bull was an execution device invented in old Greece. Its designer was Perillos of Athens, who made it for Phalaris, the autocrat of Akragas, Sicily, as another method for executing crooks. The bull was made of bronze, empty within, and with an entryway on one side. The culprits were bolted inside the bull, and afterward, there was fire lit underneath it, which warmed the metal until the awful individual cooked inside to death.

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3. The Boat


The Boat was an old Persian method for execution intended for the Greeks. The victim was stripped bare and after that firmly attached to two narrow boats, then he was compelled to eat honey and drink milk to the point of building up a serious movement and loose bowels, and afterward more honey is rubbed on their exposed genitals to pull in creepy crawlies. The alleged would then be left to glide powerlessly over a stale lake. Their dung would be gathered inside the holder, which would draw in considerably more insects who might eat and breed on his bare flesh, which would soon wind up noticeably infected and loaded with tunneling bugs. The victim would be nourished every day, with the goal that he doesn’t starve or dry out to death, dragging out the torment.

2. Rat torture


Frequently referred to just as ”the Rat”, this was particularly pitiless and horrifying strategy for execution, initially utilized in part of the medieval China. Portrayed as “the most severe torment system at any point conceived”, it utilized live rats eating through the victim’s body. A large bowl loaded with several rats was put, open side down, on the exposed detainee’s body. A lot of super-hot charcoal was then heaped on top of the bowl, slowly warming the air inside. Rats, startled by the warmth, then gradually chewed their way outside through the victim’s tissue.

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1. Skinning Alive


Skinning alive, also known as flaying, was predominant amid the classical era. It was used for the most part on prisoners of war and dangerous culprits. In the most common method of flaying, person’s hands were tied above his or her head, while the executioner gradually cut off all the skin using a very sharp and fine knife, starting at the face. Often, attempts were made to keep the skin intact. Another method involved severely burning the victim, and then gradually peeling his or her skin off.

The Aztecs of Mexico often skinned their prisoners of war during human sacrifice rituals. There are also numerous signs of ancient Assyrians flaying the vanquished leaders of their foes and nailing their skin to the city walls, as a notice to every single potential rebel.