3 Problems Freshmen Need to Overcome Before a New Semester


  • A new semester comes, students of universities start to master knowledge with renewed vigor. Many of them return to spacious classes. However, for numerous young men and women, a new stage in their life begins. Admission to the university becomes not only a joyful moment at the beginning of adulthood but also a source of stress. Teachers, daily routines, class duration, and tasks are all new to freshmen. It is very important for young people to quickly adapt to the conditions and requirements of the new educational environment.

It often happens that for new students, adaptation to a new educational institution causes difficulties. Overcoming them is challenging for all freshmen. How much “getting used to” problem will manifest itself depends on the personality of the particular student. Some of them are very dependent on changes in the environment, while others perceive a new stage in their lives calmly and successfully solve new issues. There are also students who consider admission to the university as an adventure and are eager for a battle.

One should be prepared for the fact that because of a series of new events, they can feel at a loss. New requirements, heavy workloads, and deadlines can even cause fears. In no case, it is worth to panic! Success depends only on the people themselves! We propose to consider together the difficulties that freshmen may encounter in the first days of study at the university. This will help them more easily adapt to new conditions for gaining knowledge and make their stay in a new educational institution productive. Let’s analyze the basic rules of conduct for a first-year student.

How to Start a New College Year?

Difficulty #1. Meet new people. The first thing we encounter in a new place is an unfamiliar environment. Teenagers may not feel at ease due to the lack of positive experience with classmates at school. Many young people, while studying at school, face bullying, mockery, and even a boycott. All this affects the ability to find a common language with people and self-esteem. There is a rejection of their appearance, mental abilities, and talents. A teenager literally “overgrows” complexes. In the future, s/he projects a model of the behavior of the school team on the student group.

Boys and girls at such a tender age are very sensitive to the opinions of others and take everything to heart. It may seem to them that new acquaintances from the university will behave in the same way, but this is not at all the case.

To begin with, freshmen should understand that at a university, no one knows about their past; they can become what they desire and be important and wanted. They have to try to find a hobby that expresses their personality. Everyone knows how to do something that others cannot.

Now, they can try themselves in the editorial office of a student newspaper or painting and drawing classes. It’s important to try yourself in everything, even if having doubts. There is only one life. The university gives every student a chance for self-realization, and they have to use it to the fullest.

Moreover, it is crucial to remember that all freshmen are in the same conditions. Everyone faces the same problems, and everyone is a bit confused. Usually, student groups are very different from school. With new classmates, one will have more interests in common, not without reason they study in one direction. Young minds have to make new friends because this is a real chance to find cool and interesting people.

Tip #1. Be yourself. Sincerity attracts people. Respect yourself and do not be shy.

Difficulty #2. We have to begin the conversation. When you first find yourself in a new environment, you feel like in a vacuum. One has to try to get to know classmates as actively as possible, to be open.

We have already figured out how to get rid of the fear of acquaintances. Now, we will move on to the process itself. It is important to take the first step to talk, look for common topics, go to parties, etc. Thus, one will be able to understand which people around them are close in spirit and make contact with interesting people.

Tip number 2. Be active. Take the first step, participate in organizational activities, join the student council. Gather nice people around you. They can help you, not only in your socialization. In addition, you should:

  • Be friendly; do not behave arrogantly.
  • In the early days of training, take the phone numbers of your classmates.
  • Take an active part in student activities.
  • Find the community of your university in social networks; join it, get acquainted with its participants.
  • Spend time with classmates outside the walls of the university; the informal setting brings people together.


Difficulty #3. Large amounts of tasks. After school lessons, the load at the university might seem unbearable. The brain will have to work at multitasking mode. However, newbies will quickly get used to it.

The daily routine will help. The right balance between studying and rest will allow one avoiding stress and many diseases caused by nervous overload. It is inevitable to sleep, about eight hours, to eat well, not to eat junk food, and not to drink a lot of alcohol. This will let the stomach function normally.

Tip number 3. Keep a balance in everything: food, study, and rest. A student should not study at night but distribute the load properly; s/he has to do tasks on a case-by-case basis and not in the last days before the deadline. Plus, s/he has to take time to exercise, like jogging, for example. Still, it might happen that one has not managed to accomplish the task, and it’s already the time to pass it to the professor. In such a case, this site will help.

We considered all the difficulties that freshmen usually encounter before the beginning of a new semester. We know you will succeed. Do not be afraid, don’t give up, walk your road to success, and do not look back!