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Pakistan government remained successful in raising human rights violations in Kashmir around the world

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An International Conference on Kashmir was held in connection with Kashmir solidarity day on Tuesday 4th February in London by the British members of the Parliament, Pakistani and Kashmiri leaders to highlight Kashmir cause at international fora. The conference was being held in connection with Kashmir Solidarity Day which was observed on February 5th, to express solidarity with the struggling people of Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) for the birthright to self-determination.


Dr. Moeed Pirzada, a prominent anchorperson on his primetime show “Live with Moeed Pirzada at GNN started the discussion while mentioning the UN report on Kashmir, which was released on June 14, 2018. The focus of this report was on the situation of human rights in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir from July 2016 to April 2018, during which allegations of widespread and serious human rights violations were received; notably the excessive use of force by Indian security forces that led to numerous civilian casualties.

He also mentioned the British All-Party Parliamentary Kashmir Group’s (APPKG) report, which has condemned Indian government for using excessive force against Kashmiris and refusing to allow independent observers from Britain to enter into the Indian-held Kashmir to monitor the true scale of human rights tragedy.

Kashmir issue is a national issue and many parties accept it on nonpartisan bases. “There are some issues across Pakistan which are accepted by all the parties, Kashmir issue is one of them,” said Qazi.

While talking about the importance of Kashmir solidarity day Mr. Asif Luqman Qazi senior member Jamat e Islami and head of Centre for Research and Dialogue, commented that 5th February is not an important day in the history of Kashmir issue but it is the day of solidarity of Pakistani nation for Kashmir cause. Also, 5th January has historical significance, as on this date the commission of UNO was formed to hold a plebiscite in Kashmir.

“On 5th January 1990, a delegation from Jammu & Kashmir met with Qazi Hussain Ahmad in Mansoura and demanded a day of solidarity for Kashmir from the people of Pakistan. The demand was accepted by Qazi Hussain Ahmad and on 5th February 1990 it was the first time observed by the government of Pakistan,” said Mr. Asif Luqman Qazi.

Read more: Kashmir Day: Why Feb 5, 2017 becomes important?

Mr. Asif Qazi appreciated the show of Dr. Moeed Pirzada and declared himself a follower of the programme of Dr. Moeed Pirzada, he said it gives an informed opinion and educated views regarding foreign policy.

Kashmir issue is a national issue and many parties accept it on nonpartisan bases. “There are some issues across Pakistan which are accepted by all the parties, Kashmir issue is one of them,” said Qazi.

When asked about the principle stance of Jamat-e- Islami on Kashmir issue, Qazi said that it is the “right for self-determination of Kashmiris”. UNO protects the right of self-determination so Kashmiris are fighting for the right of self-determination, they should not be considered as terrorists.

Read more: The new face of ‘Kashmiri Intifada’

He further added “It should be the duty of Government of Pakistan to propagate the narrative of self-determination of Kashmiris in the world, for this purpose, Kashmir committee should be encouraged and empowered to work independently for the cause of Kashmir.