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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Punjab University brawl highlights the need to amend student unions in Pakistan

Junaid Ali Malik |

Student unions have played a crucial role in the establishment of Pakistan as its concept was brought forth by the youngsters of Aligarh University. Throughout Pakistan’s history, the democratic entities supported them. Dictators especially Zia-ul-Haq discouraged their existence. Political parties are well aware of their significance as the members of these unions help them in achieving various political objectives.

The unions provide them fresh blood to maintain their existence. It is not easily available otherwise. In fact, student unions have gone astray from their purpose of egalitarianism. In Pakistan, they are politically infused entities that are always ready to cause havoc on others who disagree with them ideologically. Factually speaking, they are more liabilities than assets.

Until this happens, education will remain hostage in the hands of the so-called students who will further break up the already fragmented society on religious, ethnic, and cultural footings.

The unions that are formed in the name of religion makes the non-members feel religiously inferior to their members. The situation with regard to the student unions is worsening. A distinguished factor, ethnicity, is driving the policies of most of the student unions these days. If one really wants to see the customs of these unions, Punjab University (PU) will be the best place.

In PU, the oldest and the largest university of Pakistan, the entities based on religion and ethnicities are devastating the academic culture. The members of the Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba (IJT) believe themselves to be the protector of Islamic values in the varsity. They observe things in accordance to their own way and wish to run the whole university.

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Making matters worse, they are supported by first-tier political leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami. Its leadership is always geared to prop up its members no matter how many unethical and illegal activities they are involved in. The newest clash in Punjab University is an indication that the student unions are more concerned about destroying the peace of the university than promoting healthy academic culture.

Educational institutions are the learning centers and not the grounds for political experiments. The government should decide the fate of the unions. Their conduct needs to be regulated with stringent implementations of rules and regulations.

The brawl broke out between IJT and Pashtun and Baloch students over the cultural event. Several got injured. Frankly speaking, clashes have become a norm. The other major entities that have been influencing the educational culture of the university include Muslim Students Federation (MSF), Democratic Students Federation (DSF), and National Students Federation (NSF). IJT has been the dominating force, but now there are organizations based on the ethnicities that are giving it a tough time.

Unions’ cultural and religious clashes are evident in other universities as well. The administration of these universities is not only helpless but also hopeless. These clashes often become the basis of extremism. In severe cases, the extremist elements are supported, one way or the other, by some faculty members too. The case of Ansar-al-Sharia is conspicuous.

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Universities are producing some more extremists than scholars. After observing these developments, one would categorically like to have an inclusive ban on these organizations. There are student unions in democratically stronger countries too, but they are regulated through prescribed rules and laws. In Europe, for instance, there is “European Students’ Union” (ESU) that is consisted of the 46 National Unions of Students (NUS) belonging to 39 countries.

Hostels should not be abodes of the criminals and the ones who have nothing to do with education. If they cannot take responsibility, they should keep away from lending them support for their unethical and illegal actions.

The sole purpose of this organization is to groom the students academically. Considering this, certain activities in the shape of literary seminars, programs related to promotion of research culture, etc. are conducted time after time. Its elected representatives are academically, not politically, charged. Everything is synchronized by the book. In Pakistan, political parties advance their political agenda through these organizations.

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The politicians, who support these unions, should take the responsibility of their activities on the campuses. They should be held accountable as they defend them on rainy days. They are their political masters who should organize them for a forbearing and unprejudiced society. Moreover, the time that they spend in the campuses should be exclusively for educational purposes.

The administration of these universities is not only helpless but also hopeless. These clashes often become the basis of extremism.

Hostels should not be abodes of the criminals and the ones who have nothing to do with education. If they cannot take responsibility, they should keep away from lending them support for their unethical and illegal actions. Educational institutions are the learning centers and not the grounds for political experiments.

The government should decide the fate of the unions. Their conduct needs to be regulated with stringent implementations of rules and regulations. Until this happens, education will remain hostage in the hands of the so-called students who will further break up the already fragmented society on religious, ethnic, and cultural footings.

Junaid Ali Malik is a professional writer. He considers writing is the sole purpose of his life. He has done masters in Commerce and History and holds PG Diploma in International Affairs. He is an entrepreneur by profession. He can be contacted at  alimalikmalik627@gmail.com or @junaidalimalik1. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Global Village Space’s editorial policy.