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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

4 Myths that are making you FAT AND SICK!

Lubna Khan |

In the world of health and wellness, there are some fierce debates on things like calorie counting, avoiding good fats and genetics. When it comes to issues about weight, there’s a lot of advice out there – which can be overwhelming for all of us. Unfortunately, most of it is outdated and terrible!

I am about to bust 4 common misguided myths that are literal roadblocks to weight loss and even damage your overall health!

Myth 1 – Count your calories because all calories are equal

This myth refuses to go away and keeps people from getting healthy, as well as losing weight and maintaining it. The current concept is that as long as we burn more calories than we consume – we will lose weight because a calorie is a calorie. WRONG.

You can change your diet and lose weight but if you only exercise and keep the same diet as before, you may gain some muscle and be a bit healthier – but you will not be shedding much weight

The food industry has made us believe that as long as you eat whatever you want in moderation, anything and everything (including junk food) is ok. These “low fat” or “50% less sodium” gimmicks are quite attractive and make you believe you are eating better so you can eat more of it too. Well, how’s that working out for you?

You must understand that there are good calories and bad calories. Counting calories and approaching weight loss as a mathematical problem will not solve anything! Food is more than just calories – it is information telling our body what to do. Every bite affects your metabolism, hormones, and chemistry. What matters more is the quality, not the quantity, of these calories.

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I firmly believe that our genetics do not dictate our future health; we have much more power over them. Our genes only change 2% every 20,000 years, they simply don’t evolve that fast to keep up with our habits!

The highest-quality calories actually come from whole and natural foods. Calories from high-quality and fresh whole foods are naturally lower compared to processed foods. This is why counting your calories when cooking with fresh vegetables and homemade sauces aren’t as necessary. These foods can include organic and grass-fed (not factory farmed) chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Good fats coming from avocado, coconut oil and omega-3 oils from fish – actually help our body to burn fat. Good carbs from bright colored vegetables, fruits such as berries, kiwis and superfoods like chia/flax seeds are also a great source of nourishment for your body!

Myth 2 – Your genetics made you like this

Most people believe or justify their current health state based on their familial history. In simpler words – if your mom is overweight and your grandmother was overweight – you have become fat because of this. NO.

I firmly believe that our genetics do not dictate our future health; we have much more power over them. Our genes only change 2% every 20,000 years, they simply don’t evolve that fast to keep up with our habits! What changed drastically instead of our jenes was our diet. We increased the consumption of sugar and flour so much that it has taken over our metabolism and made us fat and sick. The average person today consumes 152 pounds of sugar and 146 pounds of flour per year!

There are many factors that contribute to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease but very few of them are related to genetics.

Read more: Seeds with benefits you won’t believe!

Myth 3 – All fats make you fat

Eating good fats does not make you fat, rather is it critical to the health and weight loss. Now I am not talking about trans fats, but good fats like extra-virgin olive oil, coconut butter, avocados, nuts and seeds that keep us full and boost our energy and metabolism. Please stop being afraid of good fats!

Recent studies have shown that eating the same number of calories but sourced from a high good fats and proteins leads to more muscle mass and fat loss compared to foods from low-fat diets which lead to increased fat deposition and muscle loss

Good dietary fats speed up your metabolism, while sugars slow it down. The right kind of fats will help you cool down inflammation in your gut whereas sugar will fuel it.

Recent studies have shown that eating the same number of calories but sourced from a high good fats and proteins leads to more muscle mass and fat loss compared to foods from low-fat diets which lead to increased fat deposition and muscle loss. Remember – the right fats are your fuel to boost metabolism!

Myth 4 – You can exercise your way out of a bad diet

This is the worst advice – ever. If you think you can exercise your way to weight loss and eat whatever you want and burn those calories with exercise, you’re in for a big disappointment.

The highest-quality calories actually come from whole and natural foods. Calories from high-quality and fresh whole foods are naturally lower compared to processed foods. This is why counting your calories when cooking with fresh vegetables

Let me make this easier to understand, if you consume one small bottle of soda you will have to walk about 7 km to burn it off, and if you consume one fast food meal you will have to run 7km per day for one whole week to burn it off! You simply cannot work exercise your way out of a bad diet!

You can change your diet and lose weight but if you only exercise and keep the same diet as before, you may gain some muscle and be a bit healthier – but you will not be shedding much weight. Yes, exercise is extremely important but you have to pair it with a healthy diet of plant foods, healthy fats, and good quality protein.

Read more: The logic behind overeating – Causes and remedies

The answer to your health is in your gut, I always say, you are what you digest. Eat well and feed your body the right information. Have you heard any of these myths?

Lubna is a certified fitness leadership trainer from Canada and is looking to become a motivational speaker. She advises people on how to eat healthy by making substitutions in their diets, offer meal plans and add small habits in their routine. She also offers consulting on beauty and skincare routines, workouts and training as well as fashion styling.