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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Pakistan Stands with Kashmir: Gandhi & Nehru’s Secular India is dead

Indian decision to revoke the special constitutional status of Kashmir threatens to alter the demography of the Muslim-majority state. Pakistan has rejected this unilateral decision, and has extended moral, diplomatic and political support to the justified freedom struggle of Kashmir.

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On Monday, Pakistan issued a strongly-worded statement to condemn and reject the BJP-led Indian government’s decision to scrape away Article 370 that allowed special status for the Indian-occupied region of Kashmir in a presidential decree, which was ushered in after a heavy military deployment and crackdown on the occupied valley.

The statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted, “Pakistan strongly condemns and rejects the announcements made today by the Indian Government regarding the Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir.”

Islamabad has issued a stern reminder to New Delhi, stating “The Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir is an internationally recognized disputed territory. No unilateral step by the Government of India can change this disputed status, as enshrined in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions. Nor will this ever be acceptable to the people of Jammu & Kashmir and Pakistan.”

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The statement continued, “As the party to this international dispute, Pakistan will exercise all possible options to counter the illegal steps.”

“Pakistan reaffirms its abiding commitment to the Kashmir cause and its political, diplomatic and moral support to the people of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir for realization of their inalienable right to self-determination,” concluded the Foreign Office.

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BJP-RSS Agendas for Kashmir 

After placing a multi-faceted security lockdown on the occupied valley, the BJP-led Hindu extremist government of India revoked the special constitutional status of Jammu & Kashmir through a hastily ushered presidential order. Indian-occupied Kashmir’s elected and political leaders, including the pro-government politicians, are being kept under an indefinite house arrest to quell agitation and protests.

Now that the special status has been revoked, Hindus and other religious and ethnic groups from India now have the right to obtain property across the occupied valley and settle there. This has proven the Kashmiri fear of BJP-RSS agendas to alter the demographics of Kashmir, and turn the Muslim majority state into a Hindu-majority state.

Asad Umar, senior PTI leader, and Chairman of Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs, issued a statement to condemn the decision, which has violated the sanctity of India’s own constitution. He stated, “Indian amendment in the constitution regarding the status of occupied Kashmir, is in violation of international resolutions and even violates India’s own constitution! Is India still a constitutional democracy or is now practically under Hindutva raj?”

Read more: India called out on Kashmir crimes: UNHRC

PPP Senator Sherry Rehman tweeted, “India has put Kashmir under curfew and house arrest. A communications blackout muzzles phone, internet, and cable TV. Over 800,000 troops are locking down oppressed people while BJP’s Delhi changes their fate. Where is the international community?”

Pakistan Stands with Kashmir

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi noted that this day will be remembered as a black day in history, and Pakistan will “not remain silent on this issue.” He condemned the decision of revoking Kashmir’s special constitutional status, and urged the United Nations to play its mandating role and resolve the Kashmir dispute.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi said, “India has lost its credibility in the international community. The people of Indian-occupied Kashmir have protested against the revocation.” He continued, “The secular India erected by Gandhi and Nehru has died. I am expecting greater repression for the people of occupied Kashmir. The revocation of Article 370 will trigger a bloodbath in the occupied valley.”

Pakistan issued a strongly-worded statement to condemn and reject the BJP-led Indian government’s decision to scrape away Article 370 that allowed special status for the Indian-occupied region of Kashmir.

FM Qureshi noted, “India wants complete occupation in Kashmir, and Modi’s India is the India of Hindutva. Time will reveal the wrong decisions made by India.” The Foreign Minister vowed that Pakistan will continue to provide moral, diplomatic and political support to the freedom struggle of the Kashmiris at all platforms.

He noted that the Foreign Office has briefed the representatives of the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on the ongoing military escalations and Indian barbarism in Kashmir. The Foreign Minister urged the Muslim ummah to lend support to the Kashmiri struggle for freedom, and urged the Muslim leaders of the world to play an effective role in seeking a peaceful political solution.

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Ali Ameen Gandapur, Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs & Gilgit Baltistan, issued a statement on Twitter after attending the Prime Minister’s meeting with the National Security Committee, also attended by Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa, DG ISI Lt Gen Faiz Hameed, and federal and state ministers.

Ali Ameen Gandapur noted, “The people and the Govt of Pakistan extend their full moral, political and diplomatic support to the people of Jammu and Kashmir in the cause of right to self-determination of Kashmiris.”


During the meeting, Prime Minister Imran Khan urged the attention of world leaders and international bodies towards the reckless, unilateral and aggressive behaviour of the Modi-led Indian government. The premier also discussed Indian aggression alongside the Line of Control (LoC) and in the occupied valley, and underscored India’s dubious schemes to undermine the Afghan peace process and destabilize the region.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi noted that this day will be remembered as a black day in history, and Pakistan will “not remain silent on this issue.”

Masood Khan, President of Azad Jammu Kashmir, issued a statement on Monday, noting that the decision to revoke Article 35A and 370 from the Indian Constitution has exposed the true face of Indian barbarism in the international community. Masood Khan said, “”India is an occupier and has been brutalizing the people of Kashmir for the last 72 years.

Read more: Indian atrocities: Kashmir mourns the custodial killing of youngest principal

The repeal of constitutional Articles protecting the special status of Kashmir, in the long run, will not in any away affect the freedom struggle of the Kashmiris.” Responding the United Nation’s call for restraint to India and Pakistan, Masood Khan responded, “The UN has appealed to India and Pakistan to exercise restraint.

Pakistan and people of Jammu and Kashmir are exercising restraint. The UN should call a spade a spade and ask India to stop war-mongering and military buildup in IOK. That would be preventive diplomacy.”

In light of the rapidly deteriorating situation in the Indian-occupied valley and crackdown on separatists and elected leaders of Kashmir, the parliament has convened a joint session on Tuesday.