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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Pro-DG ISPR posters appear in Jammu Kashmir, Indian media in fury

Indian media irked as the valley echoed with the messages of the pro-Pakistan and pro-Army messages. A slap on the faces of the Indian brute forces that claims a democratic victory on Kashmir following the dissolution of its special status.

According to several media reports, posters of DG ISPR Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor with anti-Indian slogans emerged on the walls and streets of Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Kashmiri media outlets stated that the posters with the pictures of DG ISPR inscribe the message that Pakistan would continue to fight for the Kashmir till the last soldier and last bullet.

The posters also disseminated a strong message to the Indian government from Hurriyat Leaders that people of Kashmir will together drive India out of Kashmir, which is the paradise on the earth. “The paradise cannot be an abode of brute Indian forces,” they added.



Indian media was seized with fury at the emergence of pro-Pakistan messages in Kashmir and decried Pakistan for infiltrating the IOK with terrorism. A rally was also organized in favor of Pakistan Army.

Kashmir has been under curfew for nearly a month since Indian repealed its special status and autonomy by revocation of Articles 370 and 35-A. India has beefed up its military deployment in the Kashmir with hundreds and thousands of additional troops being stationed in the valley. International media has narrated horrific stories of torture and arrests of Kashmiris in Indian occupied Kashmir, which raising concerns and suspicions among the international community.

The government of Pakistan including its armed forces, legislatures, and premier Imran Khan are vehemently campaigning for Kashmir cause globally.

Read more: Army chief pledges army’s full support to Kashmir cause

The former officials of Indian military forces have already Pakistan Army media wing for employing a coherent strategy in the domain of hybrid warfare.

Lt Gen (R) Syed Ata Husnain during his lecture at the International Institute of Strategic Studies in the UK earlier this year, acknowledged the ISPR’s excellent strategies overpowering Indian Army in the information war saying: “I want to give full marks to the ISPR for the information strategy it has played out”.