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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Attempts at Defanging Pakistan: How World is Pushing Pakistan to a War

The author analyzes how Pakistan has been cornered by the Indo-US alliance that wants a defanged Pakistan that poses them no threat. Pakistan must establish defense ties with countries that are its allies and should reconsider its friends and foes

Grounds for a Great War, possibly a Third World War, are being laid very systematically, by India, Israel, and the Western Secular world. The strategic situation that has now developed after the brutal Indian annexation of Kashmir and the Afghan peace talk failure has all the signs to escalate out of all proportions. Pakistan is being bated and trapped. Pakistan needs to tread the situation very carefully because one false step and the consequences for Pakistan can be horrific.

The geostrategic situation that Pakistan now finds her in is as follows:

Indian Annexation of Kashmir

Indian blatant aggression in Kashmir through its illegal annexation is grounds enough for triggering a full-scale war between India and Pakistan. But who are Indian supporters? It is quite clear that President Trump and the US probably gave a green light to India to start this confrontation that has all the markings to escalate into a catastrophic war.

Afghan Peace Talks Failure

In the Afghan peace talks, one can now surmise that the American negotiations were not sincere at all. The US was buying time to establish a stronger position in Afghanistan while it indulged in strategic talks with the Taliban. The objective was to infiltrate Afghanistan with ISIS, or Dahesh, or Blackwater, or Boko-Haram proxy armies (all these outfits are proxy armies of the Anglo-American-Israeli alliance).

Yemen War Escalation into Saudi Arabia

We are now told that highly sophisticated drones flew out from Yemen and destroyed the Saudi Oil fields, causing the Saudi oil output to drop half of its original capacity. If this is not a false flag operation, then nothing else can be. Whom are they fooling? Yemen has no drones let alone capability to fly 1000km of Saudi territory to destroy the oil fields.

Poverty and desperation in society are not just visible but those are evident. On top of that, we are not holding back on alienating the two major political forces in the country.

Israeli Annexation Plan for West Bank

Israel has now publicly stated for the first time that it plans to annex the West Bank or parts thereof. That is initial feelers have been quietly disclosed by Israel, that the time is not far off when Israel will start its greater Israel plan, by capturing and annexing additional Arab territories.

American Aircraft Carriers in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea

Pakistan not only has to contend itself with the Indian belligerence in Kashmir and the former LOC, the ISIS-Dahesh-Blackwater proxy armies in Afghanistan, but also the American aircraft carriers with hundreds of planes and missiles in and around the Arabian sea.

In summary, the ground has been systematically laid very carefully and through great planning by India and the Anglo-American-Israeli axis on how to trap Pakistan from both the Western border and the Eastern border. Their initial objective is to defang Pakistan and strip it of its Nuclear capability. The second objective is to encircle China by depriving China and Pakistan of CPEC.

Pakistan and China are fully aware, that once Pakistan loses its nuclear capability, and the CPEC corridor is eliminated, both India and Israel will play havoc with the remaining Muslim World. Israel will establish a greater Israel by destroying any remaining remnants of the Arabs. And, India will establish its Akhund Bharat by committing its hegemony and genocide of the Muslims of South Asia and Central Asia.

In other words, Pakistan must establish defense pacts with China, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Malaysia, and Indonesia at the first opportunity before tackling Indian annexation of Kashmir. Pakistan must imprison and hang all the internal enemies of Pakistan without any further delay. In this situation can we handle the serious security threat around us.

Read more: Trump Reiterates Offer to Mediate on Kashmir: Analysts Question Washington’s Sincerity

What’s wrong with our establishment and Leadership? Not only Modi but Trump also gave a very clear signal that they will stand by India and not Pakistan. This show is not only “India against Pakistan” it’s “Hindu and Christians against Muslims. Look at the way Trump says Islamic radical terrorist and the sing of release and satisfaction on Modi’s face.

After this show, if still, the country leadership think they will get any help or support from the US against then only Allah can save us from disaster

What’s going on Pakistani Establishment what’s our Narrative

It’s about time we open our eyes to the engulfing realities. Indo-US collusion has taken a definite shape while we are failing to even build upon our trusted relationship with the Chinese. We have let them down on CPEC and they had to turn towards Iran. Despite all snubs from the Saudis, we keep pestering them for a free ride on special plane.

We are failing to cement our relationship with Turkey and are constantly ignoring Iran. We are not using our leverage with regard to the situation in Afghanistan.

Domestically we are not taking bold steps to revive our economy and initiate a major program to generate business activity and expand employment opportunities. Poverty and desperation in society are not just visible but those are evident. On top of that, we are not holding back on alienating the two major political forces in the country. Besides the political, the social divide is emerging as the biggest threat. Dreams of national unity and harmony have faded into oblivion. And lastly, poor governance is promising to take us nowhere

Kunwar Dilshad is the former federal Secretary to the Election Commission of Pakistan and worked in the constitutional institution for over 30 years. He is currently the chairperson for the National Democratic Foundation. He can be reached at kmdilshad@hotmail.com. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.