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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

‘Trump Doctrine’ threatens to pull the world order into chaos

Soleimani killing and the ensuing chaos has lifted the smokescreen of Trump's campaign mantra, "no more stupid wars." Analysts believe that the drone strike was part of Trump's efforts to divert attention from his impeachment trial and build himself up as a wartime commander ahead of upcoming U.S. Presidential Elections.

Even though President Trump campaigned on the promise of “no more stupid wars”, his recent order of drone strike that killed top Iranian General gives indications that the ‘Trump Doctrine’ far from what he claimed it to be.

Since the day of his surprise election victory in 2016, Trump has signaled an end to what critics long derided as Washington’s global “policeman” role.

Now though, Trump is celebrating his order to kill Qasem Soleimani, who as commander of the elite Revolutionary Guard Corps’ foreign operations was arguably the second most important person in Tehran and a lynchpin of Iranian policy across the region.

While he has imposed crippling economic sanctions on Iran he has repeatedly stressed unwillingness to attack the longtime US foe militarily

“He should have been taken out many years ago!” Trump tweeted Friday, adding triumphantly that Soleimani “got caught!”

That and an earlier tweet simply posting an American flag show Trump building himself up as a wartime commander ahead of his November reelection attempt and looming impeachment trial in the Senate.

Read more: Iran tensions likely to dominate Trump’s UN address

It’s a posture he will likely promote further at a speech in Florida later Friday to right-wing evangelical Christians.

Worst decision ever

Until now Trump has built his brand on a very different platform.

While he has imposed crippling economic sanctions on Iran he has repeatedly stressed unwillingness to attack the longtime US foe militarily. And in North Korea, a potentially even more dangerous foe, Trump has gone out of his way to befriend dictator Kim Jong Un.

That stand gets enthusiastic applause at rallies around the country, following two decades of costly, unpopular and often seemingly fruitless US battles in places like Afghanistan and Iraq.

Just last October, Trump shocked US allies with an abrupt order to withdraw military assets backing Kurdish forces in yet another war zone, Syria.

Since the day of his surprise election victory in 2016, Trump has signaled an end to what critics long derided as Washington’s global “policeman” role

That triggered an almost overnight shift in regional power, with Russia, Turkey, Iran and the Syrian government gaining ground. Trump dismissed the ensuing outcry from even his own Republican party, saying that “stupid endless wars, for us, are ending.”


Read more: Trump steps up pressure on Iran with more troops and sanctions

That was much the same message issued a month earlier when Trump fired national security advisor John Bolton, a hardliner who has pushed for overthrowing the government in Iran.

This was also the message Trump, not even a politician then, delivered back in November 2011 when he lashed out at President Barack Obama. “In order to get elected, @BarackObama will start a war with Iran,” Trump sniped. In fact, Obama did not go to war with Iran and won reelection in 2012.

Strong or erratic?

The White House is portraying the Soleimani killing as evidence of strength. The Iranian general was for years seen by both Democrats and Republicans as the single most important individual behind deadly attacks on US interests in the Middle East.

Most recently he was accused of approving a mob’s attack on the US embassy in Baghdad this week. But while Republicans publicly approve the Soleimani killing, Democrats claim Trump is now going down precisely the warmongering path he long railed against.

Just last October, Trump shocked US allies with an abrupt order to withdraw military assets backing Kurdish forces in yet another war zone, Syria

“Trump’s dangerous escalation brings us closer to another disastrous war in the Middle East that could cost countless lives and trillions more dollars,” leftist Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said.

“Trump promised to end endless wars, but this action puts us on the path to another one.”

Read more: “Looks like Iran is responsible”, Trump on Saudi oil attacks

Foreign allies, spooked by what they see as the growing US leadership vacuum abroad, are ever more alarmed. “We have woken up to a more dangerous world,” France’s Europe Minister Amelie de Montchalin told French radio.

Trump habitually dismisses Washington’s European allies, but he will no doubt be watching the reaction of the US stock market — one of his favorite barometers of economic performance in the run-up to this year’s election.

Early trading saw the major indices falling and oil prices spiking.

AFP with additional input by GVS News Desk.