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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Getting To Grips With Facebook Advertising

There comes a time when just posting content onto your Facebook page isn’t enough.  Although posting great content can boost your business, it can only take you so far before it’s time to take it to the next level with paid advertising.  You’ve probably heard the odd grumble about how Facebook ads don’t work – and they don’t, if you don’t know what you’re doing.  As with a lot of things, Facebook ads can be a case of trial and error but, luckily for you, we’re here to share our tips on getting to grips with this useful marketing tool.


Curate your content


When putting together your Facebook ad, it’s best to keep your content organic – meaning that it should blend with other content in terms of interest and design.  An obvious ‘Buy Me’ type ad will stick out like a sore thumb and, your potential customers will simply scroll on by.  Innovative pull up banner company, Ultimate Banners, recommends researching your target audience to see what kind of articles they enjoy reading.


Take your places


As you begin generating an ad on Facebook, you’ll be given the option of Automatic Placements or Edit Placements.  With ‘Edit Placements’, you choose the exact placement of your ad depending on your campaign.  With Automatic Placements, Facebook places your ad in a number of places including feed, the column on the right hand side and, on Instagram stories.  If it’s your t’s a good idea to go with the Automatic Placements option – but make sure you monitor the performance to see where – and on what devices – it’s performing well.


Meet your audience


When choosing the reach of your ad, always use Custom Audiences for the best chance of your ad being seen by the right people.  It’s always worth spending a bit of time on this part of the process to make sure that you’re targeting the right people.  In addition, take advantage of the ‘Lookalike Audience’ feature – this handy tool allows you to reach Facebook users who share similar qualities with your Custom Audience and, therefore may be interested in your brand – even if they’ve never interacted with you before.


Check your landing gear


It’s all very well putting the time and effort into your shiny new Facebook ad – but if your landing page is a bit rubbish, it may all be in vain.  Before embarking on your Facebook ad journey, make sure that your landing page is attractive and functioning properly to help convert your ad into sales.


Get on the Carousel


If you’re selling multiple products, Carousel Ads are a great way of showcasing more than one product at a time.  Although a little more expensive, these ads are an investment as multiple images have a better chance of grabbing the attention than just one!


Free testing


Before handing over your hard earned cash to Facebook, try mocking up your ad as a regular post to see what kind of attention it attracts.  The beauty of this is that you can try a few different options – without it costing you a penny.


Facebook adverts are a really cost effective way of reaching more customers, if done correctly.  Take the time to figure out the best options for your brand and, don’t forget to study those analytics!


By Ben from Ultimate Banners – the pull up banners printer.