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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Coronavirus was a ‘creation of CIA biological weapon lab of the US’?

Reports say that Israel is developing a vaccine for COVID-19 and that vaccine will be provided only to those states that recognize Israel.

On March 10, 2020, a petition for information for Fort Detrick posted on the White House website.

The petition listed on a series of conspicuous events which lead to a conclusion that the Covid-19 was a ‘creation of CIA biological weapon Fort Detrick’s lab of the United States’.

And in March, 2020, a large number of English news reporters report about the close of Fort Detrick and delete of the petition “displaying 404 not found”.

Let’s go through conspicuous events:

In July 2019, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) closed the top-secret US Army’s medical research institute of infectious disease at Fort Detrick after its alleged failure to comply with the safety inspection.

Meanwhile, in January 2020, a doctor in Washington DC was also ‘stopped’ from testing for Coronavirus in US. Dr Helen Y. Chu, an infectious disease expert in Seattle, tried to conduct early tests for the new Coronavirus but ran into red tape before circumventing federal officials and confirming a case.

Read more: Can Coronavirus spread through breathing & speaking? Can face mask help?

The developments suggest that CDC was aware of the coronavirus leak as earlier as in June and July 2019.

In August, 2019, a large-scale “influenza” killed more than 10,000 people. The CDC management blamed E-cigarettes and initiated investigation into 193 infectious cases. Soon, the infectious disease broke out in over 22 states.

In September, 2019, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases gave Greffex Inc, a $18,900,000 contract to develop Coronavirus vaccine. The contract was given to a Texas-based genetic engineering company. On February 20, 2020, New York Post headlines “Texas-based Company has reportedly created a Coronavirus vaccine”.

“Now the vaccine will move to animal testing by the necessary government agencies- the FDA in the US and similar regulatory bodies in China and other heavily affected countries,” the news report further adds.

In October 19, the United States organized event 201- A Global Pandemic Exercise with the participation of the Deputy Director of CIA.

The event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel Coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic.

What is more, in October, 2019, US military games team visited China’s Wuhan city and stayed there for 10 days, but no solider was able to play the game because of the so-called flue.

There are reports as well that vaccine to cure the Coronavirus is being produced in Israel and the controversial state claims its patent

In November 2019, pneumonia of undermined origin was found in China when Covid-19 broke out at South China Seafood Market. And in February, 2020, the epidemic in the world broke out.

After contacting hundreds of thousands of people and taking thousands of lives worldwide, the deadly virus has entered in the palace of UK. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has also been diagnosed corona positive and the spread of the virus continues in around 200 countries in the world.

After deleting of the petition, local as well as international media asked from the Washington administration to publish the reason for the close of Fort Detrick, to clarify whether the laboratory is the research unit for the new Coronavirus and whether there is a virus leak.

Here is not the end of this conspiracy, scientists and experts with facts and figures have claimed that Covid-19 is not a nature-born infectious disease but laboratory-generated virus to create panic and fear among the people as well as to achieve global political and economic agenda.

Read more: Bill Gates reveals multi-billion dollar plan to fight coronavirus

There are reports as well that vaccine to cure the Coronavirus is being produced in Israel and the controversial state claims its patent and has made it clear to the world that the cure vaccine will only be provided to the states who recognize the existence of Israel as an independent state.