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Thursday, October 17, 2024

British PM rushed to ICU as messages of support pour in

British PM Boris Johnson was taken to the Intensive Care Unit after his condition deteriorated. He had produced mild symptoms of the coronavirus a couple of weeks before but now, the situation seems to be out of control. World leaders including Donald Trump, David Cameron, and Theresa May wished the conservative leader a speedy recovery and prayed for his good health.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who was diagnosed with coronavirus late last month, was on Monday moved to an intensive care unit after his condition worsened, his office said.

The 55-year-old has asked Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab “to deputise for him where necessary”, the spokesman said.

Johnson was admitted to London’s St Thomas’ Hospital on Sunday evening for tests, after suffering “persistent symptoms” of COVID-19, including a cough and temperature.

He tweeted at lunchtime that he was in “good spirits”, but at around 7pm (1800 GMT) he was moved to the ICU ward, according to a statement from Downing Street.

“Over the course of this afternoon, the condition of the prime minister has worsened and, on the advice of his medical team, he has been moved to the intensive care unit at the hospital,” a spokesman said.

Messages wishing Boris Johnson a speedy recovery after he was admitted to intensive care have been pouring in, with politicians across the world sending best wishes to the prime minister, his family, and the British people.

Johnson’s predecessors as prime minister, David Cameron, and Theresa May, both sent messages of support, while Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, who is himself recovering from the virus, said his “thoughts are with you and your family”.

As several of Johnson’s colleagues expressed sadness and shock at the news, messages flooded in from across the political divide.

Donald Trump, appearing before the press, said he was praying for his “good friend” after Johnson was moved to the intensive care unit of St Thomas’ hospital.

The US president added that he had asked pharmaceutical companies to contact London regarding Johnson to “see if we can be of help”.

The Conservative leader remains conscious at this time, Downing Street added, but was moved as a precaution in case he needs ventilation.

“The prime minister is receiving excellent care, and thanks to all National Health Service (NHS) staff for their hard work and dedication,” the spokesman added.

Read more: Situation getting worse!? British PM Johnson taken to hospital

Johnson asked Raab to deputize for him before he went into the ICU, Downing Street said.

AFP with additional input from GVS News Desk.