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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Pakistan registers highest number of coronavirus cases in one day

Coronavirus cases in Pakistan are nearing 100,000 mark as the government has eased lockdown. Here are the details of countrywide cases.

The number of coronavirus cases is on rise daily throughout the country. Due to record 4896 new cases registered in last 24 hours, the total number of infected people reached 890249.

According to fresh statistics by the National Command and Operation center (NCOC) the number of deaths reached 68 whereas 4896 new cases were reported in last 24 hours.

In 24 hours 22812 tests were conducted and so far 638323 tests have been conducted so far whereas throughout the country 31198 patients have been recovered uptill now.

Throughout the country the total number of fatalities stand at 1838.

Read more: Pakistan surpasses China in number of coronavirus cases

The total number of infected persons in Sindh are 33536, in Punjab 33144, in kpk are 11890, in Balochistan 5582, in Islamabad 3946, in Azad Kashmir 299 and in Gilgit Baltistan are 852.

Forum was told that NCOC special team led by Dr Faisal sultan reached Karachi as part of NCOC plan to assist local administrations to undertake need requirement & helping them to meet health requirements. This team comprises epidemiologist, health experts & management staff. NCOC team will share their expertise directly with the host civil administration and after taking their requirement will facilitate them in need assessment

Forum taking in-depth review of SOPs compliance update by various provinces:

Update by various chief secretaries including:-


In order to compliance of SOPs 3000 shops were closed for violations of health guidance. Effective awareness campaign is also ensured through all mediums of communication particularly Messaging on cable.


Special teams were made for checking various markets, bazaars/transport & industrial areas. Many markets/ industries were closed in Lahore, Faisalabad, Rwp, Gujarat, Multan.

To ensure public safety and health

Trafic police sensitised those Citizens not Warning masks while traveling. Traders Organisations/chambers engaged for assisting civil administration and making a mechanism to comply with health guidelines and instructions.

Read more: COVID-19: PSAC announces to reopen schools in Karachi from June 15


Effective media campaign has helped in public awareness and compliance and checking mechanism.


The focus was on awareness campaign throughout the province. We distributed masks in population. Masks has been made compulsory for those attending offices/official work. Our focus is on collective checking instead of individuals.


No mask no service campaign is in


440 shops were sealed for violations of health guidelines/ instructions 8 areas in various parts of GB sealed those not adhering to health guidelines. A special APP being launched today with the help of health ministry & NITB (NCOC ) which will provide opportunity to health care workers to report their issues.

Online Int’l News with additional input by GVS News Desk