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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Osama bin Laden’s niece says she’s ‘all in’ for Trump 2020

Noor Bin Ladin, Osama Bin Ladin's daughter says she's "all in" for Trump 2020. She says that only Trump "can stop another 9/11"

Another 9/11-style attack may be just around the corner if Joe Biden is elected president,  Noor bin Ladin, the niece of Osama bin Laden has warned.

“ISIS proliferated under the Obama/Biden administration, leading to them coming to Europe. Trump has shown he protects America and us by extension from foreign threats by obliterating terrorists at the root and before they get a chance to strike,” bin Ladin, 33, told The Post in her first-ever interview.

Bin Ladin lives in Switzerland

Bin Ladin  lives in Switzerland but said she has always considered herself “an American at heart.” A full-size US flag has always hung in her childhood room since age 12 and her dream vacation is an RV trip across America.

The Swiss-born bin Ladin says she is all in for Trump in 2020, calling the election the most important in a generation.

Read more: What’s the real story on Osama? 

“I have been a supporter of President Trump since he announced he was running in the early days in 2015. I have watched from afar and I admire this man’s resolve,” she said. “He must be reelected … It’s vital for the future of not only America but western civilization as a whole.”

Trump is polarizing in Europe

While Trump has long been a polarizing figure in the United States, he is even more dividing in Europe, where views of US leadership have often plummeted since he took office. A 2018 Gallup poll found just 18% of Swiss citizens approved of his job performance.

Noor, who said she regularly wears a “Make America Great Again” hat (and occasionally a Trump bedtime onesie), has had to confront many Trump-haters on her side of the Atlantic. During a recent trip to the grocery store, while wearing the iconic red cap, Noor was accosted.

“I am minding my own business and this woman in her late 50s charges toward me and starts speaking very loudly and aggressively to me,” she recalled. “She’s yelling at me and saying how can I be wearing this and Trump is the worst president ever and she’s basically dumping on my beloved president … She told me three times, ‘You’re stupid.’ I kept my cool, and needless to say I kept my hat!”

“You do have a situation now in America where you have people like Ilhan Omar who actively hate your country,” Ms bin Ladin said.

“It’s an honour to be able to go and live in the United States and make the most out of all the opportunities,” she added. “If she hates it so much why doesn’t she leave.”

Noor Bin Ladin’s favourite show is Fox News’s Tucker Carlson Tonight

Her favourite television show is Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” and she’s chummy with Laura Loomer. The rising GOP star running for Congress in Florida is a ferocious opponent of religious ideology but has also been accused by critics of Islamophobic remarks. And it’s not just Trump.

From her home in Western Europe, Noor bin Ladin has been a keen and meticulous consumer of conservative media and advocate of their most hot-button causes. Though soft-spoken with aristocratic graces, she can offer lengthy monologues railing against Spygate, tech censorship of conservative voices, mandatory mask-wearing, The New York Times discredited 1619 project, and even Andrew Cuomo’s controversial executive order requiring nursing homes to accept seniors with COVID-19.

“Laura has been very vocal about this and I commend her for being brave enough and speaking out,” bin Ladin, who was not raised with any religion, said.

Bin Ladin didn’t mince words about The Squad either and offered high praise to The Post’s front page cover calling out Rep. Ilhan Omar’s ‘some people did something’ remarks about 9/11.

“You do have a situation now in America where you have people like Ilhan Omar who actively hate your country,” bin Ladin said, noting how Omar had urged “compassionate” sentences for 13 ISIS recruits busted in her home state of Minnesota.

Read more: How Raymond Davis helped track Osama Bin Laden down?

“It’s an honour to be able to go and live in the United States and make the most out of all the opportunities,” bin Ladin said, choking up. “If she hates it so much why doesn’t she leave.”

Bin Ladin is the daughter of Carmen Dufour, a Swiss author, and Yeslam bin Ladin — an older half-brother of Osama. Dufour and Yeslam split in 1988 and Noor, along with her two sisters, Wafah and Najia, were raised in Switzerland.

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