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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Op-ed: The untrustworthy oath commissioner

The lie starts from the Oath Commissioner so a crackdown should be started to send a message of fear among them and why not, when the slogan by Imran Khan, now PM, “ Pakistanio Hamesha Such Bolo “ (O Pakistanis, speak truthfully always) is still echoing in the minds of many. 

The Oath Commissioners in Pakistan are the most untrustworthy and abundantly available source of getting one’s claims verified no matter if they are valid or not. The Oath is such a sacred deed that one will be taken to task for wrongly commissioning the oaths. oath commissioner 

The lie starts from the Oath Commissioner

Lying has such a spread that one finds himself embarrassed if he speaks truth in certain places. On recent tour to my ancestoral city for attending a funeral, I was reminded by a cousin of a piece of land lying idle due to its location and vertical structure. So I enquired the estate market and sold it to a buyer. Having received an earnest money of PKR 1 million, rest of the amount of PKR 9 Million were agreed to be paid during 8 months’ time.

So, as expected, the buyer could not pay on time, and agreement time lapsed. Hence, I started looking for a new buyer with the intention to pay back the earnest money to the first buyer though under prevailing practice that earnest money of PKR 1 million PKR was supposed to be forfeited. Oath Commissioner

Lying: A norm of society

To my utmost shock, I received a legal notice on behalf of first buyer that I have to pay him (the buyer) 10 million for causing defamation to him since he was not able to pay and I caused him embarrassment by seeking some village elders’ help to settle the issue and he further blame that he sold the land to somebody else and that I am not transferring the land to him.

Read More: Op-ed: Dire need to eradicate falsehoods about oath-taking as a witness

I was just astonished as to how blatant that man was for lying and claiming that never happened. So I had no option but to approach a lawyer as to how someone can sell my land after the agreement is expired. My lawyer told me that he could sell unless the agreement is not terminated by court.

I yelled that an agreement between two parties properly signed in presence of two witnesses but I was told that court will decide now as if the agreement is void or otherwise. I am under a lot of stress as to how I can win where lying is a norm of society.

Lying is the most convenient tool to exploit a common man and ferociously facilitated by all judiciary related people causing piling up of hundred of thousands of cases pending decision and all are beneficiaries except the client who is stuck in this vicious trap. And never think if a woman happens to seek the court help.

Cases pending in courts 

A data issued by the “National Judicial Policy Making Committee” (NJPMC) shows that more than two million cases are pending in the Supreme Court, Federal Shariat Court, High Courts and the District Judiciary. The bifurcation is as follows :

Supreme Court                           45,508

Lahore High Court                     188,411

Sindh High Court                       84,341

Peshawar High Court                38,464

Balochistan High Court             5,313

Islamabad High Court              15,847

District Judiciary Punjab          1,287,121

District Judiciary Sindh            105,458

District Judiciary KPK                210,025

District Judiciary Balochistan  17,000

District Judiciary lslamabad    43,924

Instead of waiting for a reformist or, apart from devising some technical mechanism to dispose off these millions of pending cases, uprooting of this social menace of Lying by all and sundry is the only option in the society that is causing so many human right violations and murders even.

A movement must be started preferably under patronage of Federal Government since PTI symbolizes a movement of justice. To gain respect in the league of nations, one has to show its truthfulness, above all. Oath Commissioner

Read More: Chief Election Commissioner’s refusal to administer oath: Is this unconstitutional?

Civilized societies never spare a liar oath commissioner 

Roger Stone, a long-time friend and advisor to President Donald Trump, was sentenced to three years and four months in prison for charges that include lying to Congress, obstruction of justice and witness tampering. “The truth still exists. The truth still matters,” said the judge.

Michael Cohen, attorney for US President Trump from 2006 to 2018 was sentenced to 3 years in Federal Prison and fine of US$ 50,000 for tax fraud and lying to a Senate Committee. His imprisonment has started from May, 2019.

The lie starts from the Oath Commissioner so a crackdown should be started to send a message of fear among them and why not, when the slogan by Imran Khan, now PM, “ Pakistanio Hamesha Such Bolo “ (O Pakistanis, speak truthfully always) is still echoing in the minds of many.

Mushtaq Jumma is an Ex-Airliner and Business Consultant.The views expressed in this article are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.