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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Getting Older: How to Keep Your Brain Young?

More often than not, many people forget their car keys or their wallets everywhere. You may overlook it when you’re in your 20’s. However, if this habit persists in your 30’s, it is more likely that it will get worse after you turn 50. Losing your ability to remember and recall leads to a decline in cognition. A lot of people in their 50’s struggle to recall things as they age. According to a study, the most common issue among people in their 50’s is keeping their minds sharp.

While the human brain may be the most complex organ in the human body, science has learned a lot about its function and activity. Studies suggest that our brains keep making new cells during our lifetime. It affirms that the human brain can develop itself throughout our lives. However, a lot of research still needs to be done to find the exact reason behind ‘senior memory’. Our focus is to help you keep your mind sharp, especially when you get old. Although memory loss is not that apparent at an early age, the way you treat your brain will impact how it will function in older age.

Keeping your mind healthy is important, but it’s not very hard to do. Here are a few steps you can take for a better brain’s health.

Managing Risk factors:

We all care about our brain as it leads our life. However, our body has its limits. Scientists suggest that once we grow to a certain age, arteries going towards our brains start narrowing, leading to an inadequate supply of blood towards the brain. Thus, our brain functioning declines, and sometimes people develop dementia or memory loss. If we don’t manage our risk factors, brain damage is more likely to happen. Quit smoking, excessive drinking, and try using Green Vietnam Kratom from https://kratomkrush.com/shop/green-vietnam-kratom-powder/ or herbal tea instead. Avoid bad habits and choose a healthy routine. That will keep our arteries strong and make a huge difference in our long-term brain’s well-being. Studies suggest that the way you treat your body has an impact on your brain’s health. That’s why it’s important to manage risk factors early on so we can save ourselves from cognitive decline at old age.

Get Your Body moving

There is a lot of research suggesting the relationship between body and mind’s health. The truth is, exercise can jumpstart your brain. When you exercise, the blood flow towards the brain increases significantly. It also produces new nerve cells in the brain, leading to a better connection between brain cells. According to a study, adults who walk regularly can increase their memory performance, and it also improves their reflexes. Thus, the brain gets more adaptive, efficient, and cognitive function improves significantly.

Moreover, it also increases heart health and lowers cholesterol levels. It also has a great impact on our overall well-being. It reduces stress hormones and increases the absorption of oxygen in our blood.

Keep an Eye on Blood-Pressure

Keeping an eye on your blood pressure is also very important as vascular risk factors can lead to brain damage and, at times, shrinkage of the brain as well. A change in your lifestyle is necessary if you already have one or two risk factors. Monitor your blood pressure regularly and make changes in your life if you observe any blood pressure increase. According to a study, high blood pressure is closely related to cognitive decline at an old age.

Remember to Sleep

Sleep is the most important factor in maintaining the brain’s health. A normal person requires 7, 8 hours of sleep to function properly. According to research, long-term sleep deprivation can cause permanent brain damage. Apart from cognitive dysfunction, lack of sleep also increases the risk of heart disease, stress, and even hormonal imbalance. Sleep also helps the brain to clear out unwanted substances. While we sleep, our brain is efficiently working to produce growth hormones and regulating our appetite. According to research done by the National Academy of Sciences of USA, people who had enough sleep were 33% more creative while solving problems than those who didn’t get enough sleep. This affirms that sleep has a deep relation with brain activity. Any disturbance in the sleep cycle can also affect brain activity. That’s why it’s essential to fix your sleep routine.

Our Brain is What We Eat

We all know that our diet has a direct influence on our physical health. More importantly, our diet alters our brain according to recent research. Whatever we eat also has a direct influence on our memory performance. The grey matter in the brain contains 90% fats. Recent experiments suggest that children who don’t get enough fatty acids or omega-3’s are more likely to develop neurological issues in adulthood. Similarly, if we keep taking a diet deficient in nutrients, it will cause our brain to shrink. It can result in damaged brain cells and hindered growth as well.


For a healthy brain, it’s important to decrease sugar intake and eat a more protein-rich diet. Decrease fat intake as well except for good fats like omega 3’s. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish, for example, protect the nerve cells and are indispensable for developing the brain. Eat more veggies than processed food.

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