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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Op-ed: Weakening the military will weaken Pakistan to its core

The phenomenon of hybrid warfare has added a new dimension to the traditional concept of war and media has become a significant tool in reshaping public opinion, writes Zuha Abdullah

Recently, there is an uptick in the national and international campaign against Pakistan’s military, regarding the politicization of the military by different political forces, state actors and other non-state actors and mainly social media. The unusual campaign attempts to malign the sovereignty of the prestigious institution and its supreme intelligence force. The agenda of such hype in the media is not without a filthy motive indeed.

The saddest part is the internal forces acting in such an absurd manner just to gain personal and political benefits against the government and anti-army propaganda. The foes are trying to defeat the enemy (military in this case) from within.

The politicization of the military is a strong part of an anti-Pakistan agenda that is not only seen within the domestic forces but also certain external forums are taking advantage of the weaken internal confidence levels among institutions in Pakistan.

Read more: ‘A military is only for war’: In response to Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy

The vicious planners using an indirect strategy leave no stone unturned to defame. They are on the task to negatively agitate the sentiments of masses and create abhorrence against the institution of military across the country and globe.

Everlasting support

Indeed, the love, confidence and undedicated support of the people for the military can’t be trodden down so easily. The masses have full faith in the military that is playing a very crucial role in not only defense but many other forums of the state.  To quote an example, during the recent combat against the terrorism in Pakistan, it was the people who trusted the military with every decision and the military under a perfect command won the battle against the internationally inflicted terrorism in the state.

Anticipating the sponsored terror in Pakistan and the effects it had, the world assumed the fate of the Islamic Republic to be like the fate of Iraq, Libya and Syria. Nevertheless, armed forces of Pakistan defeated these terrorists and their abettors. This agitated the planners and compelled them to diversify their strategies against Pakistan.

I aim to aware my readers about the foreign sponsored agenda and propaganda against our armed forces and intelligence agencies. They work to secure national interests

The international spying network has now adopted an indirect strategy to weaken the Pakistani military on all forums. They assume that weakening the military can destabilize Pakistan at its core, which is true in a sense that Pakistan depends on its military for much more than what we call “Security and Defense”.

Defamation as a strategy of war: Historical relevance

Historically, the defamation has been used as a strategy of war, as used by “Carl Von Clausewitz” and “Sun Tzu” as a military theory and strategy. According to Clausewitz, “War is not an independent phenomenon, but the continuation of politics by different means”. Sun Tzu was of the view, “The height of strategy is to attack the opponent’s strategy. Defeating the enemies from within have many elucidations; creating fault lines, causing split, defamation and humiliation, hatching plots and conspiracies, politicization of key institutions and causing hatred against institutions of national security “.

India’s attempt to malign and target Pakistani military

Moreover, 2021 marks 50 years of 1971 Indo-Pakistan war, a war that Pakistan lost. The inefficiency of politicians, bureaucracy, establishment and society at large was at full display in the crisis of 1971. The external forces downsized Pakistan on all fronts. Indian involvement in the whole saga clearly highlighted that India was and will continue to remain a foe and would leave no stone unturned to undo Pakistan.

Read more: Did Pakistan lose more than just a war in 1971?

The phenomenon of HYBRID WARFARE has added a new dimension to the traditional concept of war and media has become a significant tool in reshaping public opinion. The defaming and maligning the most respected institute of Pakistan is in no way justified.

Youth constitutes almost 65% of population, which India intends to target to spread ideological discontentment to destabilize Pakistan. The targeted population is trapped through the social media platforms, Facebook pages, short films, telefilms, lectures and YouTube videos. Through these mediums, an effort has been made to defame Pakistan’s armed forces, create hatred in the hearts and minds of young generation. The historic events are maligned and edited per requirements without any check and balance on them.

What to take away

The writing today is purposed on the small contribution in support of our prestige institution. We owe so much to our military. I aim to aware my readers about the foreign-sponsored agenda and propaganda against our armed forces and intelligence agencies. They work to secure national interests.

The theme of this article argues against the defamation and politicization of Pakistan’s military forces. For we can’t imagine the challenges our armed personnel and their families go through while fulfilling their duties against the conventional, non-conventional, counterinsurgencies, media warfare, and threats of hybrid warfare.

Read more: The future of Indo-Pak hybrid wars

In line of their duties, they never compromise their loyalty, sacrifice, and intentions for their beloved homeland. No month goes by without a martyr from the institution. We owe a lot to them, indeed. So, let’s pay homage and tribute to our brave men and stop every domestic and international force from exploiting our supreme institute.

The writer is a psychologist. Can be reached at zuhatiwana@gmail.com. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.