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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Donald Trump: The seven rays of his political spectrum

The President might have studied physics but has definitely not studied politics, because he has no concept of the correct political spectrum, writes Juan Abbas.

If it were up to Trump, he would fire every registered democrat in America, but fortunately for us, he does not.

Inside his mind, is a political spectrum, like that of light, consisting of 7 rays.


Rage. A ray of despair, looking down with oppression showing intimidation to everyone who comes in his way. In an interview with Bob Woodard in 2016, he said, “I bring rage out. I do bring rage out. I always have. I don`t know if that`s an asset or a liability, but whatever it is, I do.”

President keeps distracting people from reality, depicting himself as the savior and some kind of mighty leader who is serving to protect the American people.

His rage is what shows his dark side. His thinking is defined by his anger and the strict behavior he (pretends) to keep with people, especially his critics. In March, there was an exchange between Trump and NBC White House correspondent Peter Alexander:

“Alexander: So, what do you say to Americans who are scared, I guess? Nearly 200 dead and 14,000 who are sick and millions as you witness who are scared right now, what do you say to Americans who are watching you right now who are scared?

Trump: I say that you are a terrible reporter, that’s what I say. I think it’s a very nasty question. I think it’s a very bad signal that you are putting out to the American people. They’re looking for answers and they’re looking for hope. And you’re doing sensationalism and the same with NBC and Concast — I don’t call it Comcast I call it Concast. Let me just, who do you work, let me just say something.” (I think you get the idea)

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The second ray is trust, and that too, on every wrong person. “It’s funny, the relationships I have, the tougher and meaner they are, the better I get along with them. You’ll explain that to me someday, ok? But maybe it’s not a bad thing. The easy ones I maybe don’t like as much or don’t get along with as much”, Trump told Woodward in a clip released on NBC’s “Today.”

The first thing he has damaged is the office of Presidency. He disdains the rule of law.

He sees his trust in such people who intimidate him. Take President Erdogan for example, the type of person who takes a letter of disrespect and throws it into the garbage, where it belongs. But also the same person about who the President said “I get along very well with Erdogan, even though you’re not supposed to because everyone says, ‘What a horrible guy.’ But, you know, for me it works out good”

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Constantly taking the eye off the ball, the President keeps distracting people from reality, depicting himself as the savior and some kind of mighty leader who is serving to protect the American people.


The third ray is disbelief, disbelief in the system, in Americans, and in the GOP. He shows his utter disregard for the well-respected institutions of the beautiful country. His intensified misinformation or regard to deceive people is how he achieves this. And of course the word he throws at everyone, hoax. Sorry, it’s not hoax. It’s a HOAX!

The President might have studied physics but has definitely not studied politics, because he has no concept of the correct political spectrum.

The Fourth National Climate Assessment 2017/2018 defined the potential impacts of climate change across every sector of society. It estimated that “With continued growth in emissions at historic rates, annual losses in some economic sectors are projected to reach hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the century,” the report said.

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However, the President was unconvinced and said, “I don’t believe it.” In a tweet, even way back in 2012, he said:

“In the 1920’s people were worried about global cooling–it never happened. Now it’s global warming. Give me a break!”

Give us all a break! What obnoxiousness!


Anyway, moving on to ray 4, the destruction. This one even has pride involved it. He loves to spread destruction, and is extremely proud of himself while doing so. The first thing he has damaged is the office of Presidency. He disdains the rule of law. He dodges the respect for the position he holds. He holds such respected world leaders at the center of his berating campaign. and loves all those who are similar to him.


The fifth, is silence. Personally, I never saw him campaigning on the name of Black people in America. I never saw him say Breonna Taylor`s name and maybe saw him take George Floyd`s name, once or twice. His silence for key events speak volumes of what he has to say about them. The fact that he doesn’t know white supremacists groups and can’t denounce QANON, is absolutely ridiculous. He is the most well-informed person on the planet.

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The most irritating fact is his power to stay silent. He can abruptly end meetings, press conferences and denounce anything that claims his voice for something displeasing his base. The fuel of his campaign, the arrogance is what keeps it going.


The sixth, is his blame. The whole world can go against him but he`s still right. He`s the winner. He (supposedly) has the best economy in the world and has done everything he can to protect Americans from the coronavirus.

While he blames the previous administration for the trouble in healthcare, the GOP is in the supreme court, eager to strike down the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obama care. And yet, he has no health care plan released as till today, but that too, is (again supposedly) not his fault. ANTIFA! HOAX! Just everyone but the one accountable, the impeached President.


The seventh, the last but most certainly not the least is denial. Denial in his party, in democrats, in the justice system, in the military, and just about everything else. He loves to downplay, ignore or mock climate change but not Russia, who interfered in the 2016 election.

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The disease he said would disappear as the weather warmed in the spring, “like a miracle,” and yet here we are.

The President might have studied physics but has definitely not studied politics, because he has no concept of the correct political spectrum.

Juan Abbas is a freelance writer for the Daily Times. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.