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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Hekmatyar warns India against its role in Afghanistan

Hekmatyar praised PM Imran Khan for his positive role in Afghan peace. He believes an inclusive government will guarantee peace in Afghanistan.

Chief, Hizb-e-Islami, Engineer Gulbuddin Hekmatyar on Sunday praising thelong-standing stance and efforts of Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan for a peaceful and negotiated settlement of the Afghan issue, said an inclusive government comprising all the other political groups was a need of the hour.

“Such a government could stop further bloodshed in Afghanistan and steer the
war-ravaged country out of the present crisis,” he said.

In an exclusive interview with APP, the former Afghan commander said initial talks about the formation of a new government had been started here after the Doha peace agreement.

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He expressed his hope that formal talks among all the groups would be started soon after the complete evacuation of the US and NATO troops from Afghanistan.

He said that the future proposed government would have the support of all the Afghan ethnic groups. He said the entire Afghan political leadership should sit together to resolve the issue and added it was the only solution to the Afghan issue. He was of the view that all issues would be resolved through political dialogue.

“The Afghans have been tired of the long conflict and fighting and now they want to bring peace and stability to their war-torn country and collectively work for its reconstruction and progress,” he said, adding, the Afghans were determined to forget their past and go ahead unitedly realizing the future challenges of the country.

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Responding to a question about the failure of talks, he said, “Our enemy can cast negative impact on Afghan peace process but the US and other forces have no right to interfere in Afghanistan issue.

It is the sole prerogative of the Afghan people to decide about their future, he said and added the Afghans were determined to forget about their past and go ahead unitedly for their joint cause to bring peace and stability.

To another query about any change in the present and past Taliban, he said all the Afghans had suffered a lot from the continuous war and now they had learnt from their mistakes. “There was also a positive change in the present Taliban”.

About India’s negative role in Afghanistan, the Hizb-e-Islami chief said they hoped that New Delhi now should play a positive role in Afghanistan and review its past policy in this regard.

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India had once supported the former USSR’s invasion in Afghanistan – they [India] was also supportive of the Communists and against the Mujahideen, he said, adding, India also backed the NATO strikes in Afghanistan.

He said India should review its policy about Afghanistan and respect the Afghans’ decision for its plan of action. “India should not transfer its conflicts with Pakistan to Afghanistan, adding, the Afghan soil will not be allowed to be used for proxy wars.”

Gulbadin said peace and stability were in the best interest of the entire region including India. He hoped that India would support the Afghan people and their struggle for the restoration of peace

via APP with additional inputs from GVS