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Friday, October 18, 2024

Pakistani mosquitoes to provide vaccines against diseases?

Students from COMSATS University Islamabad are working on a proposal to convert mosquitoes into syringes that carry vaccines. Twitteratis are having a field day with the news. Even though Japanese scientists worked on it before, Twitteratis still consider it a ridiculous idea. 

As technology and innovation take over, students from COMSATS University Islamabad are working on a unique idea. They are working on a proposal to convert mosquitoes into syringes that carry vaccines.

Professor Dr. Muhammad Tabassum Afzal, COMSATS University Rector, disclosed this during a session of the Senate Standing Committee for Science and Technology on Wednesday.

The research is inspired by a group of Japanese researchers. The researchers came up with an idea to turn mosquitoes into flying vaccinators.

Read more: Brazilian trying to beat Dengue by producing special mosquitoes

When mosquitoes bite, they inject a tiny drop of saliva that prevents our blood from clotting. Therefore, the group of scientists injected an antigen – a compound that triggers an immune response – into the mix of proteins in their saliva.

As a result, the study showed that laboratory mice bitten by these mosquitoes produced antibodies against the parasite.

While the idea may seem unique, mice had to be bitten at least 1500 times a day on average to develop antibodies. Also, the scientists were unable to determine whether the antibodies would be enough to prevent infection, especially in a human body.

Furthermore, the scientists admitted to ethical and regulatory problems, making it difficult to test on humans.

Read more: The beginning of the age of bioterrorism

Nevertheless, COMSATS University is working on a similar idea. However, the Senate Standing Committee was not so sure about the success of the idea.

“What if a vaccinating mosquito bites a human multiple times?” the Senate Committee asked the Rector when he shared the idea.

Unfortunately, Prof. Dr. Tabassum could not come up with a logical answer and said that the students working on the project would better explain.

Twitter reaction to mosquitoes providing vaccines

Moreover, Twitteratis are having a field day with the news. Even though Japanese scientists worked on it before, Twitteratis still consider it a ridiculous idea.

They posted hilarious memes over the news. One user even said that the vaccinating mosquitoes should go to mosques to vaccinate those refusing to get Covid jabs.

Read more: Vaccine rollout: Keeping pace is vital for recovery!

Important to note, while such ideas may sound preposterous at first, success always comes after continuous trial and error.