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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Living above the line of dignity!

According to Moeid Javeed, a senior telecom executive in Pakistan the laws are developed, or rather loopholes in the laws are created to benefit the strongest. The exclusive aristocracy enjoys all the benefits and molds the laws in their favor. The poor get the stick and suffer all the spites of the unjust system. The line of poverty can only be reduced once people are given a chance to live above the line of dignity!

The greatness of a nation can be judged by how it treats its weakest member,” states Gandhi. Unfortunately, the current system driven by capitalistic thought is protecting the strongest or richest in this part of the world or specifically in the sub-continent. The laws are developed or rather loopholes in the laws are created to benefit the strongest. The exclusive aristocracy enjoys all the benefits and molds the laws in their favor. The poor get the stick and suffer all the spites of the unjust system. All those who remain the beneficiaries are unfortunately the ones who make and implement the law. The society thus becomes hostage to this coveted gentry and they, in turn, perpetuate their rule. The line of poverty can only be reduced once people are given a chance to live above the line of dignity!

It is so ill-fated to see that those who legislate are more interested in their own vested interests than those of the common men. Their conduct in the parliament and the audacity by which they change their positions for their personal gains is embarrassing, to say the least. The judiciary which is to interpret these laws at times seems more interested to be in limelight. Even the highest placed judges display their partiality brazenly. The maturity one expects from the legislators and judiciary is glaringly absent. The conduct is unapologetic and unremorseful. The fight among this so-called elite is not for people or any principles, it’s either for personal gains or for bolstering egos. The unbecoming behavior is then exploited by media either for their gains or on the behest of some business or political agenda.

Read more: Two words!

The result of these unholy alliances triggers incivility in society

Sincerity goes missing, people become secondary, society keeps strengthening the influential and the weak continue to suffer. The aristocracy creates an island of exclusivity, may it be the schooling system, housing colonies, or social clubs. The traditions laid by our colonial masters are deeply entrenched and strongly practiced by the rich, bureaucracy and judiciary. The alliance between the businesses and high ups of government offices keeps getting ugly and unholy. The check on these alliances keeps becoming thin and dilute. 

The weak become defenseless and helpless. The poor starve for resources and lead their lives in famish and desperation. Whereas the web weaved by the supra elite protects one another interests. This mindset is probably inspired by the Brahmans caste system or by the colonial masters. The brown sb within us, the sense of superiority due to high office or tribe, the culture of patriarchy thus creates an ecosystem which provides control to the influential and powerful. Thus, creating two laws, one for the poor and ordinary and the second for the powerful and strong.

Unluckily, the second group is very small in numbers and the masses are poor and deprived. This group does not get a fair chance to be educated and remain ignorant. Thus, becoming even more vulnerable and gullible. They can’t raise their voice against the laws, system and powerful who eat their capital and resources. The disparity keeps becoming louder and louder with every passing year. The divide between urban and rural rather between Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad and the rest of the country is more visible than ever.

Read more: Unadorned failings of leadership

Where does the problem lie?

The gulf between English medium and Urdu medium is not only being bridged but the effort to feed English to everyone is further being reduced. Local governments, budget allocation based on population can never be fair because elite lives in Urban areas and it’s far easier to run the cities by Commissioner. New provinces, New High courts, New Universities and new secretariats can challenge the status quo. Hence, they will be discouraged by the select group.

Society can only develop once the weakest and the poorest are protected by the state, the weakest are provided a fair chance to change their destiny and earn a dignified living. The disparities need to be removed and laws are to be implemented without any prejudice. All the officials need to abide by the law without taking any protection of the national security umbrella. The unified and speedy justice system for all is the need of the hour. It’s time to reform the justice system and make sure the weak and meager get the fair deal.

Read more: Local empowerments: A hope for the societ

Society can only get happiness if the entire community is enjoying the same resources and has a fair chance to education and basic rights.


Moied Javeed is a senior telecom executive in Pakistan and can be reached at mj@tptglobal.net. The views expressed in the article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.