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Friday, October 18, 2024

Humankind is fed-up of Human-made Disasters

Currently, we are passing through the worst geopolitical crisis. Either the Ukraine war, the Israeli bombing of Gaza (Palestine), the Yemen War, or the situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir, the Afghan crisis, the Iran tension, North Korean issue, all are human-made disasters, and a matter of grave concern for a common man.

Humankind is fed-up with wars, confrontations, and tension. All peace-loving nations and individuals must play a proactive role to protect the world order and stand for the supremacy of any one country or group of countries. Justice must prevail and righteousness must be supported against the troublemakers.

Currently, we are passing through the worst geopolitical crisis. Either the Ukraine war, the Israeli bombing of Gaza (Palestine), the Yemen War, or the situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir, the Afghan crisis, the Iran tension, North Korean issue, all are human-made disasters, and a matter of grave concern for a common man.

But deliberately creating tension in the South China Sea is not only new addition to the crisis but, may turn even more dangerous. The magnitude of militarization of the South China Sea, either Chinese forces or American or allied forces, and the heavy deployment of forces in the region with live ammunition is a matter of grave concern.

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Understanding the matter better

A result of the four-decade-long war in Afghanistan has damaged the region and global economy, after spending trillions of dollars and precious two decades, the US has to withdraw its troops creating a vacuum and more unrest in the region.

The War of terror aimed to destroy the Muslim world, either, the Iraq war, Libyan war, Syrian War, Yemen war, or the Arab Spring in Egypt, Tunisia, and other Islamic countries had created panic in the Muslim world. The growing cases of Islamophobia in the West and propaganda against Muslims have created a wave of anger and anxiety among Muslims around the globe.

Ukraine’s war has created new dimensions of unrest and global anxiety. Europe was heavily dependent on Russian Gas and was meeting its energy need from Russia conveniently. But due to the Ukraine situation, Europe became the victim. Ukraine was World’s food supplier, but due to the war situation, the food supply chain was disrupted and Europe became the worst victim. The burden of more than six million Ukrainian refugees was on the shoulder of Europe. The US was not dependent on Russian Energy, not, Ukrainian food. So, the Ukraine war has not harmed the US so much, contrarily, it got an opportunity to sell more weapons and earn more.

However, the emerging situation in the South China Sea is even more worrisome. During the last four decades, China has made unprecedented developments. It has eliminated poverty from 88 % to zero and established a moderate prosper society. Its economy from nowhere rose to the second largest, none of the Chinese Universities was in the International ranking, whereas today almost 100 Universities enjoy International ranking, No one of Chinese enterprise was among the top 500 fortune, but, today, there are more than hundred are in the top 500 fortunes and crossed the US.

Read more: The return of the civil war in Afghanistan

In terms of innovation and research publication, China surpassed the US

As a matter of fact, China has made tremendous achievements in all walks of life and attained a certain level of development in all dimensions. Including sports, culture, purchasing power, happiness index, agriculture, industry, defense, environment, health care, etc. Simply, China has surpassed the threshold, where it can be coerced so easily.

Miraculous achievements were possible because of the Chinese policy of peaceful development. China has not fought any war during the last four decades and focused only on development, sparing all energies, resources, and time, only for development. Chinese policies were friendly, enabling, and conducive for the common man to concentrate only on developments.

There were occasions when confrontation arose with other nations, but, China played diplomacy and overcame the differences and disputes successfully. Gaining sovereignty over Hong Kong and Macao was not an easy challenge, but, China got it through peaceful dialogue and negotiations. It got sovereignty over Hong Kong and Macao without firing a single bullet or killing a single person. Similarly, China was challenged at Doklam in 2017 by India, but China once again averted escalation and resolved the issue through peaceful means of dialogue and negotiations.

China has attained military might and possesses the capacity to gain control over Taiwan easily. But, it stick to its peaceful policy and never used force, and always looked forward to the peaceful reunification of Taiwan through dialogue and negotiation. China has evolved an innovative approach of “One country, two systems” to govern Hong Kong and Macao. The same approach should have been followed in the case of Taiwan.

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Even, though Taiwan should have bargained for better, more autonomy

The situation emerging after the visit of Pelosi to Taiwan has changed the situation completely. Despite the warnings from China, her visit was not justified and has created unmatched tension in the region, endangering the peace and stability of all neighboring nations. It is natural and logical that China has to take some appropriate measures to protect its sovereignty.

Despite knowing the whole issue, the G7 and EU issued a statement criticizing China, which is beyond imagination. While more than 100 countries have shown solidarity with China and condemned Pelosi’s visit, the G7 and EU should have shown mature and sensible behavior.

It urged that both sides must diffuse the tension and settle the issues through peaceful dialogue diplomatically and politically. In any sort of war, tension must be averted and avoided. The world is already suffering too many problems, it cannot afford to create new problems.

Read more: UN predicts largest number of Afghan civilian deaths amid civil war

Instead, it is urged that all nations and individuals should focus on fighting against natural disasters like climate change, Pandemics, Floods, Earthquakes, wildfires, drought, etc.



Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Founding Chair GSRRA, Sinologist (ex-Diplomat), Editor, Analyst, Non-Resident Fellow of CCG (Center for China and Globalization). (E-mail: awanzamir@yahoo.com). The views expressed in the article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.