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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

PTEA: A symbol of entrepreneurship, hard work, determination, dedication, and patriotism

GVS looks at the Pakistan Textile Exporters Association’s objectives and operations through which it is protecting the textile industry’s interests and improving the economic well-being of Pakistan.

The Pakistan Textile Exporters Association’s (PTEA) origins stem from protecting the textile industry’s interests and improving the economic well-being of Pakistan. PTEA is a licensed corporate organization by the Government of Pakistan under the Trade Organizations Act 2013 and was incorporated in 1985 under the company’s ordinance 1984.

Since its inception in 1985, PTEA has been consistently and successfully advocating the interests of its members and has worked for the solution of problems faced by them in running and expanding their businesses. On top of that, it has also proven to be a fertile nursery for numerous important initiatives undertaken collectively by the export circles, as well as a useful forum for their execution.

Before PTEA, textile exporters were facing many constraints and found it difficult to ensure fast-paced industrial and export growth. The reason was that no proper platform was available to protect the interests of textile exporters. It was in 1985 that some enterprising exporters took the initiative to tap the huge potential of textile export from this region. Notable businessmen, few were in numbers, set a mandate to work with grit and determination with the financial and moral support of its members. From year to year, the Association grew bigger and bigger.

Read more: Pakistan’s textile sector – A reliable pathway to counter debt!


  • To play a significant role in developing a policy framework for improving the business environment and economic growth of the Home Textiles, Made-Ups, and Fabrics Sector.
  • To protect, promote and develop the export of Cloth/Fabrics, Made-Ups, and Home Textiles and help increase foreign exchange earnings of the Country.
  • To promote and protect the economic interest of the Country in general and of those engaged in the Export of Cloth/Fabrics/Made-Ups/Home Textiles in the Country in particular.
  • To point out the bottlenecks in Exports and to suggest practical solutions to the problems confronting Exporters.
  • To secure adequate representation of the Association on Government, Public or statutory bodies and on Trade and Industrial Delegations.
  • To make efforts for capacity building, modernization, upgradation, and standardization of export products line, promotion, marketing, and diversification of products and destinations to enhance national exports and take measures to meet the challenges of the new World Trade Order.
  • To promote or oppose legislative and other measures affecting Exports of the Country.

Today, the notable names engaged with the textile business, mostly involved in exporting high-quality textiles around the globe, have joined Pakistan Textile Exporters Association. Being an apex Association of textile manufacturers and exporters, the activities of PTEA are manifold and multi-dimensional in nature. It safeguards the interests of the textile industry & exporters on the one hand and supports the economy by promoting exports, exploring new markets, enhancing productivity, and generating employment opportunities. The global activities of this Association have extended beyond all frontiers in terms of establishing business ties among the locals and those at the far ends of the world. It keeps a close eye on global business trends and provides information to its members accordingly. Through its proactive approach, PTEA has been greatly contributing to the expansion of the textile industry, the promotion of exports, and industrialization.

Key Functions

From the outset, Pakistan Textile Exporters Association has been actively engaged in debate and legislation that affects textile trade and community planning.

  • Provision of the latest information on business and economy to its members for facilitation and expansion of their business.
  • Performing advocacy and lobbying roles in the best interest of the textile industry and exports.
  • Submission of proposals/suggestions for the federal budget and trade policies.
  • Capacity building, modernization, up-gradation, and standardization of export products line, promotion, marketing, diversification of products and destinations.
  • Exploration of new markets and building B2B ties by arranging trade delegations and participating in international textile exhibitions and trade events.
  • Dissemination of information and training for capacity building of upcoming entrepreneurs.
  • Close liaison with Government, International agencies on micro & macro business issues and other policy matters.
  • Arranging awareness seminars, workshops, and conferences on advanced technologies in the textile industry and trade.
  • Provision of research-based services to its members.

Read more: Dealing with the cotton needs of Pakistan’s textile industry

 Corporate Social Responsibility

Besides exceptional achievements in export, textile exporters have exclusively emerged beyond Corporate Social Responsibility and made historic contributions to social sector development and human welfare by initiating projects which have given the city a unique status among the industrial hubs. Members of the Association actively partake in social uplift, health, and community services.

Labour & Social Standards compliance

Realizing the implications of non-compliance for the Pakistani textile economy and employment in the sector, Pakistan Textile Exporters Association has taken the initiative to improve the application of International Labour Standards in Pakistan and ensure the continuity of Pakistan’s exports to the global market. For this purpose, several programs have been initiated in collaboration with international institutions like ILO, GIZ & WWF. The major objectives behind these programs are to improve the adherence to national laws and international labor and environmental standards in textile factories, develop buyers’ confidence that standards in the textile sector are being publicly monitored, reliably and accurately reported, and establish a coordination mechanism between textile Industries, related workers’ organizations and labor departments on ILS compliance and reporting.

Pakistan Textile Testing Foundation

In order to make the textile industry capable of providing health-friendly textile products, PTEA has established a state-of-the-art textile testing laboratory with financial assistance from the Export Development Fund in 2005. PTTF lab has been successfully operating for the last 15 years facilitating textile exporters to meet the observance of international standards for export.

With accreditation by the Pakistan National Accreditation Council (PNAC) and Next Retail UK Ltd, PTTF helps textile exporters to keep pace with ever-changing compliance requirements and get a real understanding of the rules and regulations of the target market. It is working with the world’s largest multinational corporations and best-known brands to improve the social, ethical, and environmental consequences of its products, services, and supply chains.

Read more: Textile factories starting to close as they stop receiving gas

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