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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Understanding India’s stance on Ukraine crises

Ever since Russian forces crossed the Ukrainian border en masse, India has steered what it portrays as a neutral course on the war. It has abstained on UN votes condemning Russia’s invasion. New Delhi refuses to publicly blame Moscow for the crisis, even while emphasizing India’s traditional respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.

India has always maintained a non-aligned foreign policy, but the Russian invasion of Ukraine has put pressure on New Delhi to choose a side and brought India’s long-standing ties with Russia into stark contrast with a rising China.

History demonstrates that the former Soviet Union repeatedly used its veto to shield India from firstly, international resolutions regarding Kashmir, secondly, India’s invasion of Goa, and the 1971 war with Pakistan that resulted in the formation of Bangladesh. India also consistently voted with the Soviet Union against resolutions criticizing sits invasions of Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan.

Read more: US announces $2.5 billion in new weaponry, munitions for Ukraine

Understanding the matter better

India’s foreign policy places a strong emphasis on maintaining friendly relations with different nations, and it is important to take into account its bilateral relations with China and Russia as Russia serves as India’s main source of armaments.

The regional active powers shifted after the American pullout from Afghanistan. While China and Russia are rising powers and the American influence has decreased, the USA refers to India as a strong ally, and India is still working to strengthen this alliance in different fields of life such as in the field of defense, space technology, cyber security, energy, etc.

The US has footprints in every region of the world by making an alliance with states, which has tilted the balance of power in favor of the US. The practice of the major international powers is that they constantly feel threatened by the emergence of new powers. Similarly to this, some analysts thought that India is supposed to be the dominant power in South Asia due to its strategic partnership with America.

As far as the war in Ukraine is concerned, India was forced to make a decision as soon as the war in Ukraine began.

America respects Ukraine’s moral ideals and has generously supported its military. Though China and Russia frequently share the same views on most global issues, China’s quiet encouraged Pakistan to do the same, especially as the Pakistani Prime Minister was visiting Russia on the day the war between Ukraine and Russia was first.

India has led what it describes as a neutral course in the conflict since late February when the Russian military crossed the Ukrainian border in large numbers. On UN votes denouncing Russia’s invasion, it has refrained. By expanding Russian oil imports and hosting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on a diplomatic visit in April, it has preserved India’s historically close ties to Moscow.

India uses more than 250 Russian-built SUMKI jet aircraft, seven Kilo-class submarines, and more than 1,290 tanks that will continue to be used for the ensuing ten years. Weapons systems costing

$10 billion are currently being developed, including nuclear submarines and batteries for the S- 400 air defense system, which Russi author will also provide to India a US university with a focus on Asian nations and their military systems estimates that 70 % of India’s defense equipment is still made in Russia.

India relies on Russia for upgrades, maintenance, and parts. India’s entire defense budget for 2021– 22 is $70 billion, and it has long delayed 114 fighter jet purchases to upgrade some of its aging Russian fighters and replenish its air fleet.

Read more: Russia indicates when Ukraine conflict may end

India will likely spend between 15 to 18 billion dollars on the project

There is no longer any justification for Indian atrocities in Kashmir or for the illegal skulk with Kashmiris. The Quad Group, according to the US president The US, India, Japan, and Australia were taking a “very strong” stance (viewed as an alliance against China’s expanding influence). India has twice abstained from national elections, security, as well as a General Assembly resolution on joint US-Western country resolutions against Russia.

Since gaining its independence, India has maintained a foreign policy that is mainly indifferent to the global politics of the superpowers. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of “India, declared that his country will “avoid large blocs, maintain friendly relations with other nations, and refrain from joining any alliance.”

India will become weaker in the future if the US, one of India’s allies, falls out of its favor.

Moreover, if we talk about Pakistan’s s trance over the Ukrainian crisis, (There are only about 1140 Pakistanis in Russia), Pakistan will be in a stronger position than India if it speaks out against it and the bilateral relations of China-Pakistan will not be disturbed as Pakistan’s interest is not colliding with China’s stance( quiet) over Ukrainian crises

India, however, which is regarded as an American soldier against China because it is a Quad member, Indian quiet will strengthen China.


Written by Muhammad Abdullah Abu Bakr 

The author is working at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad and is a scholar of International Relations at the University of Management and Technology, Sialkot Campus. He can be reached at anahitaa827@gmail.com. 

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