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Friday, February 14, 2025

Ali Amin Gandapur slammed for letting minor son drive a car

The Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan received criticism on social media after a video of his young son driving a car went viral. Social media users expressed displeasure over the federal minister violating the traffic rule by allowing a minor to drive the car.

Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan, Ali Amin Gandapur, received flak on social media for letting his minor son drive a car in a viral video.

Social media users expressed displeasure over the federal minister violating the traffic rule by allowing a minor to drive the car. The critics say the federal minister is seen encouraging juveniles and children to drive the car which is a dangerous trend that could potentially risk the lives of the child and other people.

Journalist Mansoor Ali Khan posted the video on his Twitter account. The young boy driving the car is his son.

Gandapur, however, slammed the critics on social media including the journalist. In his Twitter statements, he defended his actions as well as his son driving. According to him, he has not violated the law since his son was driving the car in the private lands and fields on which the traffic laws are not applied.

Instead, he asked people to upgrade their knowledge and apologize to him for abusing him and his son on social media.

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“Traffic rules/laws don’t apply on private lands fields upgrade your knowledge instead of criticizing others. Please mind your own businesses instead of discussing non-issues and personal issues on which you have no knowledge people who abused and wrote negatively must say sorry,” said Gandapur in response to a social media user.

“Firstly traffic law applies on road, highway or motorway so no law is violated upgrade your knowledge secondly it’s my land my vehicle and my son and thirdly grow up Mr Mansoor Ali Khan and others who negatively commented and mind your own businesses,” said Gandapur while slamming the journalist Mansoor Ali Khan.

However, a social media activist-turned-anchorperson, Maleeha Hashmey asked Gandapur that how would he encourage the masses to follow rules when he himself is not following the rules.