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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Amarjeet Sada: World’s youngest serial killer from Bihar

The world's youngest serial killer who murdered three people by the age of eight is at large. Psychologists called Amarjeet Sada 'sadistic' and unable to distinguish between right and wrong after he reportedly murdered victims that included babies and family members.

According to The Mirror, Amarjeet Sada, an Indian from Bihar, is said to be the youngest serial murderer. He killed three people by the time he was eight years old.

Sada, who was born in 1998, killed many members of his family in various events between 2006 and 2007.

According to reports, when he was seven years old, he killed his cousin, who was six years old. Later, he murdered his sister, a baby of eight months.

Read more: Canadian serial killer pleads guilty to eight murders

Sada’s history is unknown, other than the fact that his family is poor and his father works as a laborer.

The youngest victim of Sada was a six-month-old girl who lived next door

Sada freely acknowledged the crime, telling the police that he had struck the infant’s mother with bricks before strangling her. This was after the mother had called the police to report that the child was gone.

Even worse, he led the locals to the spot where he attempted to bury the body. Sada’s uncle claimed that because it was a “family problem,” his family kept the first two murders a secret.

Media accounts claim that when he was taken into arrest, he grinned widely and displayed no remorse.

According to a psychologist, who was quoted in The Sun, the youngster “had no concept of good or wrong.”

Sada was only held in a children’s home since Indian law forbids the imprisonment or execution of minors. No one is aware of his current whereabouts after his release in 2016.

Read more: Twitter Killer of Japan sentenced to death

According to Sada’s uncle, some of his family supposedly knew about the first two killings but were left unreported because they were “family matters”.

The police took Sada into custody where he reportedly smiled a lot and showed no remorse after admitting he murdered his sister a few months earlier and his cousin the year before.

One inspector on the case said all the killings were similar in execution.