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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Anti-establishment narrative: Short term gains at a cost too high

The opposition on its part must move from a narrative orchestrated by some vested interest groups that may serve some elites in the short term but wouldn’t serve the country in the long run, writes Dr. Nadeem Jan.

No two opinions that we are in the grip of one of the harshest inflation which has made a decent living for many a dream, mainly due to decades long bartered economy and partly to the Corona pandemic. The shockwaves of rising staple food prices, electricity, fuel and gas has made life challenging even for the middle class, let alone the poor. Creating opportunities for enabling its populace to live a decent life with peace and dignity is the responsibility of the government and it must take measures to preempt, address and manage the situation.

How this situation would be managed, and common men sufferings be alleviated is a big test of governance and history would judge its performance on this front. The woes of poor are heart-wrenching asking for urgent redressal. The situation didn’t reach this level overnight but, was simmering over decades due to flawed policies, rampant corruption and incompetence of the divinely blessed ruling the population. While on one hand, we are faced with internal plights of the poor, on the other hand, the country is faced with more dangerous external threats where external enemies of Pakistan are hell bent upon nullifying our existence.

Read more: PDM is upping the ante in its mission to overthrow Imran Khan’s government

Pak army’s laudable efforts

Pakistan since its inception has faced aggression from the other side of the border that has exposed us to myriad of warfare; open War, cold war, economic war, social and cultural war, diplomatic war and now 5th generation war. All this had one objective in common i.e. to dismantle this fortress of Islam and divide it on ethnic/linguistic lines. Since then, there has been one key resistance force to the nefarious designs and evil eyes of the anti-Pakistan forces and that is Pakistan Army.

Not only that Pak army has protected its frontiers but, in other fronts as well it has demonstrated a force to be reckoned with. India is not the only country which plans to harm Pakistan there is a tacit alliance of like-minded forces who can’t see a peaceful, developed and dignified Pakistan. Mosad, CIA, NDS have one common interest and that is to create a situation in Pakistan where it is inundated in internal strife so it could be stopped from a role in the Muslim Ummah.

One common agenda of these forces is to entangle the government in internal and external issues so it could not be stopped from the role it can play in galvanizing the agenda of Muslim Ummah.

Their fears have grounds since its only Pakistan in the entire Ummah which is a nuclear power, has a strong military, much advanced in science, art and diplomatically well poised to make this union of Islamic country a force to be reckoned with. In successive UN General Assembly meetings, World Economic Forum debate and other high profile forums, it was the Prime Minister of Pakistan who hoisted the flag of Pan Islamism high. PM khan   in all his high-profile interactions has time and again highlighted the atrocities of India and Israel, sensitized the world conscious on rising Islamophobia in the west and equitable access to Corona vaccine for the low middle income countries.

Read more: Is PDM a product of poor governance?

The whole plan of destabilizing Pakistan internally and externally has been orchestrated by Mosad and RAW. They have created various forums and think tanks to steer this agenda. Largely covertly but overtly as well, some networks have started smear campaign against Pakistan, mainstream media, social Media and print media is used alike and several -patronage franchises has been created.  One such anti-state network has been contracted out to an ex Pakistan journo and ex. Ambassador Hussain Haqqani who has established some national and international franchise of it. The network has recently established a network called SATH, anti-Pak mindset are searched and allured to join this unholy network. Through intellectual and technical support of this network the PTM & now PDM narrative is invigorated.

Anti-establishment narrative 

The recent onslaught by Mohammad Nawaz Shareef is one part of that plan to discredit Pak Army and create cracks in the foundation of Pakistan. MNS on his part had tried his best, by any means possible, to get a relief and have his corruption cases dropped so he can do power politics again but this time all state institutions seems on one page to send all corrupt and looters packing. After finally being disappointed with the country establishment and with no political credentials to trumpet, he was enticed to the anti-state narrative beautifully wrapped in the glossy wrap papers of “Formula to Power” by these pseudo intellectuals, who dance to Mosad cum RAW tunes.

The opposition on its part too must move from a narrative orchestrated by some vested interest groups that may serve some elites in the short term but wouldn’t serve the country in the long run.

One common agenda of these forces is to entangle the government in internal and external issues so it could not be stopped from the role it can play in galvanizing the agenda of Muslim Ummah.

History is witness to such political terrorism in the past, when leaders like Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Shah Faisal of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , Col. Qaddafi,  Jamal Abdul Nasir and Palestinian Yasir Arafat were eliminated heinously and how OIC only played an insignificant role. The plan is to unleash their nefarious agenda yet again.

Read more: The cowardice of Sharif

With no intention to serve any political party, the fact remains that the current regime in Pakistan is the only enlightened democratic dispensation where all state institutions and government are at one page on all issues of national solidarity, security and development. This offers a unique opportunity to the nation to rewrite the narrative of an enlightened Pakistan.

Way forward 

The government on its part need to set its own house in order and implement policies in the best interest of the poor lots. A thorough soul searching of why and how it went wrong to be carried out by the government through establishing a non-governmental fact finding committee, where experts from international/national market, notable elites from the academia, judiciary, religious school and social scientists can provide an independent analysis and mitigation strategy .

The accountability measures recommended by the committee should be adhered to without any likes or dislikes even if it tastes sour.

In nutshell unless the course is positively amended, there could be short lived gains for the political aristocrats but at a cost too high

This crisis provides an opportunity to initiate an intra institutional dialogue that can define a new workable, pragmatic and effective reset. This dialogue must be led by the PM, Army C  hief, Chief Justice, taking on board the political, religious leadership.

An all parties conference for charting a “new social contract” that serves the country and its 22 million people to the best of its abilities would help reduce the ongoing political turmoil.

Read more: PM Imran Khan writes to Mark Zuckerberg seeking ban on Islamophobic content

The opposition on its part too must move from a narrative orchestrated by some vested interest groups that may serve some elites in the short term but wouldn’t serve the country in the long run. Fundamental architecture of this social contract at the minimum should guarantee that no entity knowing or inadvertently would harm the national interests and integrity of the country and its institutions. Demonstrations and protest is the opposition right but it shouldn’t deviate it from its purpose of holding the government accountable for any issue of governance or national solidarity.

Once government take a lead to this effect the opposition should burry its hatchet and join the effort for the larger national interests. This would serve not only national interest but also allow space to Pakistan for playing its lead role in the Muslim Ummah.

Pakistan’s sincerity to the unity of Muslim Ummah has a history and that effort is largely valued in Muslim world.  Pakistan is now well poised to lead the Muslim Ummah for various reasons. Being the only Muslim nuclear power, with a strong and reputed military, abundance of natural resources, mixed skills market and youth bulge make a strong case for this role.

Read more: Imran Khan at UNGA: India walks out, Pakistanis laud PM for delivering another historic speech

PM Imran Khan, who has already cast his shadow on the world stage is a highly respected figure in the Muslim and non-Muslim world alike. He is revered for his vision, character, charisma, personality, public speaking, and sincerity to the plight of downtrodden. His consistent stance against Islamophobia has taken him to another level in the Muslim world, the way he had taken French president upfront is widely appreciated.  PM went to other  lengths in addressing the growing Islamophobia through social media and have written a detailed letter to Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, to restrict sharing of any material that mock Islamic injunctions much like the sensitives around the Holocaust issue is respected.

He has also communicated his vison via personal letters to the rulers of Muslim countries to this effect. There have been episodes of blasphemies like this in the past, but no government head has gone that far and serious in managing this.

In nutshell unless the course is positively amended, there could be short lived gains for the political aristocrats but at a cost too high i.e. the cause of Pakistan and Muslim Ummah ultimately would prove unsuccessful.

Read more: Imran Khan at UNGA: India walks out, Pakistanis laud PM for delivering another historic speech

Dr. Nadeem Jan (Tamgha I Imtiaz) is a decorated health & polio expert, who has an illustrious career with UN, USAID, World Bank, Gates Foundation and Governments of Pakistan, Somalia, Kenya, South Sudan, Afghanistan and Philippines. The views expressed in this article are author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.