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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

“Any Nuclear attack will results in the end of Regime,” US warns North Korea

The second U.S.-Republic of Korea Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG) convened in Washington on Friday for talks on nuclear deterrence, fulfilling a commitment by the two countries to share more insight into planning in the event of conflict with North Korea.


The United States has conveyed a warning to North Korea, asserting that any nuclear attack against the nation or its allies “is unacceptable and will result in the end of the (Kim Jong) Un regime,” as stated in a joint US-South Korean statement on Saturday. The statement emphasized that “any nuclear attack by the DPRK against the ROK will be met with a swift, overwhelming, and decisive response.”

The second U.S.-Republic of Korea Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG) convened in Washington on Friday for talks on nuclear deterrence, fulfilling a commitment by the two countries to share more insight into planning in the event of conflict with North Korea. Pyongyang has developed and tested a range of ballistic missiles that can reach targets in South Korea, Japan, and the U.S. mainland.

Kim Tae-hyo, South Korea’s deputy national security adviser, mentioned on Friday that North Korea may test-launch an intercontinental ballistic missile this month, which was considered a nuclear threat regardless of its range because it can carry a nuclear warhead. The third NCG will be convened in Korea next summer.

US suspicious of Russian collaboration

Earlier this month,   Senior North Korean economic officials held discussions with the governor of a Russian region along the Pacific coast to enhance economic cooperation between the two countries, as reported by North Korean state media on Wednesday. The meeting in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, raised concerns in South Korea about potential violations of U.N. Security Council resolutions, speculating that North Korea might be expanding its labor exports to Russia to generate revenue for its struggling economy and fund leader Kim Jong Un’s nuclear weapons program.

The North Korean delegation, led by the country’s external economic relations minister, Yun Jong Ho, met with a delegation led by Oleg Kozhemyako, the governor of the Primorye region in the Russian Far East. The discussions aimed to elevate economic cooperation between the countries to “higher levels,” although the report did not specify the nature of the cooperation discussed. Kozhemyako, prior to his visit, mentioned to Russian media that he anticipated talks on expanding cooperation with North Korea in agriculture, tourism, and trade.

Both the U.S. and South Korea accused North Korea of supplying Russia with artillery shells and other weapons, alleging support for Russia’s actions in the war on Ukraine. South Korea and the US both consider North Korea being supported and backed by Russia. While China is also deemed to be helping North Korea as South Korea is a strong ally of the US.