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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Asteroid Bennu reveals secrets of life’s origins

Along with amino acids and nucleobases, Bennu’s dust also revealed the presence of minerals and salts that are essential for life.

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission has unearthed groundbreaking evidence about the origins of life, with samples from the asteroid Bennu revealing chemical building blocks essential to life as we know it. The asteroid, a near-Earth rock, has now become a cosmic time capsule, offering insights into the early days of our solar system and the fundamental ingredients that could have seeded life on Earth and other planets.

Treasure Trove of Organic Compounds

In 2023, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft brought back approximately 122 grams of dust and debris from Bennu. Though the quantity seems small, the material has proven to be a treasure trove for scientists. Analysis of the samples, published in the journals Nature and Nature Astronomy, has confirmed the presence of organic molecules that are crucial for life. Among the thousands of compounds, researchers found 14 of the 20 amino acids that form proteins on Earth. Amino acids are considered the basic building blocks of life, and their discovery on Bennu is crucial evidence supporting the theory that these essential molecules were widespread across the early solar system.

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In addition to amino acids, the samples also contained nucleobases—adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine—components necessary for the formation of DNA. These are the same molecules that store and transmit genetic information in all living organisms. The presence of these building blocks in Bennu’s dust suggests that asteroids may have played a key role in delivering the raw materials for life to Earth billions of years ago.

A Window Into the Early Solar System

The findings are part of a larger effort to understand the early conditions in the solar system. Scientists believe that asteroids like Bennu were formed in the early years of the solar system, around 4.5 billion years ago, and could have contained the chemical ingredients that helped spark life on Earth. What sets Bennu apart from previous studies of meteorites is the pristine nature of the samples. Unlike meteorites that endure fiery journeys through Earth’s atmosphere, the Bennu samples were carefully sealed during their return to Earth, preserving their original state and offering a much more reliable glimpse into their extraterrestrial origins.

“The significant difference between these samples and meteorites is that they are pristine,” said Danny Glavin, an astrobiologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “We can trust these results, and we have much higher confidence that the organic material we’re seeing in these samples are extraterrestrial in origin and not contamination.”

Water and Minerals: Key to Life’s Formation

Along with amino acids and nucleobases, Bennu’s dust also revealed the presence of minerals and salts that are essential for life. Scientists detected an array of sodium-rich minerals, including some that had never been seen in other extraterrestrial samples. These minerals are similar to those found in dry lakebeds on Earth, such as California’s Mojave Desert and the Sahara in Africa. The research also found signs of ancient water on Bennu, further supporting the theory that the asteroid was once a water-rich body, possibly a part of a larger parent asteroid that lost pieces during an impact.

Tim McCoy, one of the study’s co-authors, pointed out that the combination of water, minerals, and organic compounds found on Bennu could have created an environment conducive to life’s emergence. “Having all these ingredients together in one place is the pathway to life,” he explained. “These processes probably occurred much earlier and were much more widespread than we had thought before.”

One of the surprises in the analysis was the discovery of ammonia in the samples—around 100 times the natural levels found in Earth’s soils. Ammonia is a key ingredient for biological processes, particularly in the formation of amino acids. The high concentration of ammonia suggests that Bennu’s parent body could have created an environment where complex organic molecules formed, much like the early conditions on Earth.

Search for Life Beyond Earth

The discovery of Bennu’s organic wealth also has significant implications for the search for life beyond Earth. Dr. Ashley King, a scientist from the Natural History Museum in London, highlighted that the finding strengthens the theory that asteroids may have seeded not only Earth but also other planets and moons in the solar system with the necessary ingredients for life. “If you have the right conditions, why do we have life here on Earth—and could we potentially find it elsewhere in our solar system?” King said. These questions are at the heart of ongoing research into the potential for life on other planets, particularly on moons like Enceladus, which has subsurface oceans and similar minerals to those found on Bennu.

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However, scientists are also left with important questions. If Bennu had all the ingredients for life, why didn’t life emerge there? The current hypothesis is that there might not have been enough time for the complex organic chemistry required for life to evolve before the environment changed on Bennu’s parent body. This opens up avenues for further exploration to understand why life emerged on Earth and whether similar conditions could lead to life elsewhere in the solar system.