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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Air Cdre Jamal Hussain


A brief history of regime changes in...

Imran Khan’s term lasted for just over three and a half years before he was ousted through a No Trust Motion, moved by the combined opposition parties under the banner of PDM. For the first two years, IK had to negotiate the pandemic Covid-19 crisis that had rocked the world.

A look at Pakistan’s political turmoil

The massive increase in fuel costs will lead to hyperinflation, plummeting the already dismal popularity of the Sharif family. Governance will become a nightmare, more so as IK’s call for fresh elections gains further momentum.

Why punishing the Sialkot culprits in not...

A Sri Lankan national Priyantha Kumara, who was working as a manager at a private factory in Sialkot, was beaten to death and his body was later set on fire by a mob over alleged blasphemy. Once again in Pakistan, the blasphemy law has been wrongly used

The electronic voting machine controversy in Pakistan

Almost after 70 years of its independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, the Pakistani government yet failed to conduct a single fair election through a unanimously accepted voting process by its public. So to finish this quarrel, PTI has vowed to introduce an electronic voting system in 2023 elections.

Why did the Afghan National Army give...

Air Cdre (Retd) Jamal Hussain talks about the sudden fallout of the Afghan government led by Ashraf Ghani and ANA surrender to the Taliban despite having the best weapons given by the US.

Has the time come to accept the...

The fast deteriorating situation in neighboring Afghanistan and its impact on Pakistan should ideally be at the top of the national news agenda, particularly...

The evolution of Taliban’s military strategy

Post US withdrawal from Afghanistan, the question is not if, but when the Afghan government led by Ashraf Ghani falls. Even before the NATO...

How to curb Pakistan’s inflation genie

The idiom ‘Nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes’ is credited to Benjamin Franklin and is widely accepted as true...