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Friday, March 28, 2025

Ayaz Muhammad Khan


Pakistan’s Judicial Crisis: A Repeat of History?

Rafiq Tarar’s loyal sycophancy progressing to Ata Tarar’s total commitment to the Sharif family shows that nothing much has changed in Pakistan Muslim League (N). Why should anything change?

Why PML-N is terrified of elections

Muslim League in any form always had some grassroots connection and if reorganized at that level they might revive. The extreme option to assassinate Imran Khan will destroy the PMLN in Pakistan.

Imran Khan: The superhero

Pakistan has a history of compromising popular leadership and mourning in silence. The power hubs that decided to end Imran Khan’s regime expected the same reaction this time.

The abandonment of overseas Pakistanis

The realization & understanding of how democracy works leads those immigrants to ask questions of themselves as well as the political hierarchy in Pakistan.

The dying political thought process in Pakistan

This me me selfish concept, the narrow tunnel vision, the concentration towards the selfish interest that took PMLN to the height of its glory has finally turned into a fatal weakness which is leading it to plummet extinction.

Toshakhana: The zenith of Imran Khan’s corruption?

The Election Commission of Pakistan in its much-vaunted wisdom found Imran Khan guilty of corrupt practices & decided to disqualify him.

A paradigm shift in Pakistan’s politics

In 2018 Imran Khan rode his anti-corruption stance to office. He won the election and became the Prime minister. The office of the PM allowed him more access to information and he went full blast on the corruption of both the ruling families of the past.

Toshakhana: The mother of all corruption?

There is a panel that categorizes the gifts as antique or with emotional or historical values to be retained and displayed in the Toshakhana. Gifts which are categorized as such are not offered to the recipients. The rest of the gifts are offered to the recipients.