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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Dr Aneela Kamil

The author has done MBBS, MCPS, FCPS, MCCEE, and is a consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist at Mega Medical Complex.

Understanding the role of Pakistani media in...

Bullying behavior may be used to gain social status, show strength and achieve domination. This sounds so true of the Pakistani elite. Overall the cause of bullying behavior depends on multiple issues including individual, social and family issues.

The denial of male infertility in our...

Male infertility is an issue that decreases the chances of a male getting a female pregnant. This means that despite trying, the couple is unable to have a baby. Globally, in one of 5 infertility cases, the issue is with the man. In Pakistan, this issue is not much talked about due to many reasons.

Can Beta Thalassemia be prevented?

Beta Thalassemia is a kind of anemia that can be passed down from one generation to the next. According to a poll, seven out of every hundred Pakistanis have at least one faulty gene, making them beta Thalassemia carriers, explains Dr. Aneela Kamil

Non-Binary gender: A curse or a disability?

Traditionally, gender assignment at birth used to be done into either masculine or feminine based on the appearance of external genital organs. This classification can be deceptive at times. Sometimes the external appearance does not match with the internal genetic makeup.

Setting the record straight on First Lady’s...

Bushra Bibi received a lot of flak on social media for her seemingly assertive tone with the hospital staff. However, Dr. Aneela Kamil has inside information on the visit and states that the First Lady was kind and sympathetic towards the hospital and its patients.

NLE: A visionary move by PMC for...

Last month, the doctors' protest against NLE shocked the nation as they called for the abolishment of the test. However, Dr. Aneela Kamil thinks that NLE is a much-needed initiative as it is in compliance with international standards.

Are expecting Pakistani women ready to get...

Despite vaccines being declared safe, there is a dilemma regarding the safe administration of vaccines to expecting mothers. However, after reviewing the latest medical news from the West, Dr. Aneela Kamil thinks Pakistan should follow the West's example and encourage pregnant women to get vaccinated.

Is Sinopharm vaccination hindering our travel plans?

One of the vaccines used by Pakistan is Sinopharm and according to statistical data, Pakistan has been successful in controlling Covid. However, Dr Aneela Kamil talks about the prejudice against Sinopharm vaccine as its administration affects travel because not every country is accepting this vaccine.