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Monday, March 31, 2025

Mominyar Khalid Butt

Mominyar Khalid Butt is a Research Officer at Maritime Centre of Excellence (MCE), Pakistan Navy War College Lahore. He has done M.Phil in Political Science. He can be reached at mominyar10@hotmail.com.

Pakistan in the Age of Climate Adaptation

Pakistan emits less than 1 percent of global greenhouse gases and is one of those countries standing at ground zero of the climate crisis. The recent super floods of 2022 displaced 33 million people in Pakistan with a cumulative economic loss of $30 billion.

Living Indus initiative of Pakistan: A major...

Living Indus is as an umbrella initiative and a call to action to lead and consolidate initiatives to restore the ecological health of the Indus within the boundaries of Pakistan, which is most vulnerable to climate change.

Takeaways from the 1965 war at sea

As September 08 will mark Navy Day, the entire nation must be reminded to celebrate the acts of the Pakistan Navy filled with valor, gallantry, courage and confidence during the 1965 War.

Building climate change resilience: Policy measures by...

By the same token, the US Navy announced the Great Green Fleet initiative in 2009. Using a blend of biofuel and conventional fuel in a 50/50 mixture, it aimed to launch a Carrier Strike Group showcasing energy efficiency in propulsion and operational procedures.

How Maritime activities are affected by climate...

The highest point above sea level is 22 feet, but the island’s mean height above sea level is 4 feet. A sea-level rise of several feet would force the US military to relocate and abandon this strategically important naval outpost in Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

Is India trying to sabotage CPEC?

Keeping in view the realist paradigm of power maximization, the ever-growing strong relationship between Pakistan and China is viewed with concern by India. It has raised significant alarm bells in Indian political and military circles.