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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Murtaza Shibli

Murtaza Shibli is a British Kashmiri journalist and security expert. He is the author of the book, 7/7: Muslim Perspectives, a collection of reactions by the UK Muslims on the London Bombings of 2005 that killed dozens of Londoners. He tweets:murtaza_shibli

Indian army has crossed all limits of...

Mustansar Hussain Tasir | Indian forces on September 13, 2018, as a part of their incessant campaign of terror and mayhem, took lives of eight Kashmiri youngsters...

What does Imran Khan’s fight for Kashmir...

Murtaza Shibli | Ghulam Nabi Ganai, a 67-year-old retired executive engineer, is elated about Imran Khan’s victory. As I enter his home in Frisal, a...

India’s muscular Kashmir policy will reap no...

Last month, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) launched a detailed report on the dire human rights situation in Jammu and Kashmir....

Spy Chronicles: A troubled and one-sided narrative

Pakistan’s former spy chief, General Asad Durrani, is facing flak. His former colleagues in the army are fuming for his latest endeavour – writing...

A season for new books

Murtaza Shibli | Apart from the heat generated by the unruly sun, new books are scorching the milieu and pushing the ever-raging debates on Pakistan...

Interview with Former RAW Chief A S...

Murtaza Shibli | Murtaza: Do you think the book has achieved its purpose? Dulat: It is very difficult to say. As General Durrani says in the...

Kashmir: Ramadan break from violence?

Murtaza Shibli | The recent announcement by New Delhi to halt its military operations in Kashmir that seek to kill nominally trained and scantly armed...

A Letter to Indian Army Chief from...

Murtaza Shibli | Mohodai Sena Pati Ji: Namashkar Ever since you assumed the top position within the Indian army, Kashmiris have been following your statements with...