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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Nadeem Haque


24/8: Pakistan Prioritizing Officialdom over Creativity

24/8 explains Pakistan. Twenty-four officials and eight athletes went to the Olympics. He argues that Pakistan's government is all about officialdom, privilege, and arbitrary power; there is no role for professionalism or problem-solving through research and innovation or even hard work. Is it a wonder that even tiny Qatar came back with two gold medals and we empty-handed? Vice Chancellor PIDE argues

Can Pakistan break away from the cycle...

Can Pakistan achieve the “thoughtful, watchful, and concerned” the government argued by the authors? This may require a huge “thought and debate effort” in the country involving media, all levels of government, civil societies, universities, and many other societal organizations!

Political will or bad policy and reform...

Nadeem Haque | Reform remains an elusive and little understood concept in Pakistan. The word is seldom used on TV. It is used even less...

Unlocking Dead Capital to unleash the Asian...

Former deputy chairman of the Planning Commission of Pakistan takes to task babus, for still practicing 20th-century outmoded economic models and not willing to learn anything new that takes them out of their comfort zone.

Concerns and predictions on FATF situation for...

If the US stops its aid, as it has done previously, it won’t have a very large impact on our economy. By this stage,...