‘Baaghi’ producers accused of exploiting Qandeel Baloch’s parents

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Controversy surrounds ‘Baaghi’ just before its final episode is set to air on February 1st, 2018.

The highest grossing drama ‘Baaghi’ was inspired by the story of a slain social media personality ‘Qandeel Baloch’. Baloch was a victim of ‘honor killing’ as her brother murdered her in Multan after she uploaded her objectionable videos on the Internet.

Baloch was undisputedly a controversial personality at the time. The producers of the show then entwined her story into a drama serial that aimed to bring to light the miserable story of abuse she encountered by various men.

Last week, lawyer and Internet activist Nighat Dad took to Facebook to voice her concern over the alleged exploitation of Qandeel’s story at the hands of Baaghi’s producers.

Dad claimed that the producers are exploiting the parents of Baloch by not giving them their due rights while benefitting from the profits earned from her story.

She claimed that “well-intentioned efforts to highlight Qandeel’s cause, such as the Urdu One drama serial Baaghi, have exploited and misled her parents,” by not having paid them their dues while pocketing the profits for themselves.

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In her tweet, she added that Qandeel’s parents are undergoing tough circumstances in their life and that their shrinking financial resources are hampering them to bear the cost of Qandeel’s case in the court.

She said that, however, other people have collectively raised money to help them.

“Qandeel Baloch’s parents are going through a rough time, they are spending whatever limited resources they have on going to Court regularly from Village (Shahsadruddin) to Multan. They are sick but still fighting back against the system.”

Nina Kashif, the producer of Baaghi and General Manager of the channel responded to the allegations calling all such accusations ‘false, baseless and wrong.’

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Nina stated that the makers have legally sought the “proper permission for the drama serial from the parents, despite the fact that there were only a few incidents that were taken from Qandeel’s life.”

The producer even added that the parents signed a contract in Urdu and asked for an amount in return which they were paid.