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Thursday, October 17, 2024

BJP promoting religious divisions & fear psychosis: Kashmiri leaders

News Desk |

Earlier today, Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley labelled that “militancy” in the occupied state of Jammu & Kashmir is the greatest challenge faced by India and it cannot be resolved until the “failed obsolete thought” behind the Article 370 is rejected as a “loose constitutional connect” between IAK and the Indian state.

He stated that this challenge must be dealt with a fresh approach, and added that “only a strong government” and a leader with stronger resolve and clarity can settle the Kashmir dispute. While referring to the Congress’s stance, he stressed that parties who promote the notion that article 370 and political autonomy will lead to “integration” of the occupied valley with India cannot settle this issue.

In response to this statement, Mehbooba Mufti, chairman of the PDP, accused Modi of promoting communal politics and religious divisions and reminded him that Kashmir is not a “heirloom” that anyone can inherit.

Accusing the Congress of “wishing the issue away”, Arun Jaitley stated in a post made on Facebook, “”Instead of working for total integration, the party wanted a loose and liberal constitutional connect between rest of the nation and the state under an erroneous impression that such an arrangement would further the cause of integration.”

Targeting the article 370 and 35A that provide special privileges and political autonomy to Kashmiris under Indian occupation, Senior BJP leader and Minister added, “Article 370 was disastrously thought out as a constitutional connect between rest of the country and the state. Article 35A was surreptitiously introduced in 1954. It catered to a separatist psyche and legitimized discrimination.”

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India’s Finance Minister stated that the BJP leadership endorses a “fresh” approach that is “uncompromising on terror” and fully “committed to total integration” through a process that ensures the “reversal of historical blunders”. Given the fact that Indian brutality in Kashmir is currently at its peak, the BJP leadership which claims to resolve these disputes has been widely accused of sponsoring separatism and allowing the security forces freehand in exercising force and aggression on unarmed Kashmiris.

BJP Using National Security to Create “Fear Psychosis”

People’s Democratic Party (PDP) President and former chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti accused the BJP-led government of launching a wave of “fear psychosis” using the pretext of national security and setting the stage for yet another “Balakot-like strike” in their bid to win the upcoming elections.

Greater Kashmir reported that while addressing a public gathering in Srinagar, Farooq Abdullah stated that “people have made it a point not to fall prey to the divisive agenda of the saffron party.

In a strongly worded tweet made earlier today, Mufti stated, “In its desperation to win this election, seems like misappropriation of our jawans sacrifices & polarizing the electorate hasn’t helped BJP. Now they are creating fear psychosis by using national security as a guise to prepare ground for another Balakot-like strike.”

Earlier, while addressing a rally in Kathua, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had accused the National Conference and PDP leadership of causing destruction in Indian-occupied Kashmir and stated that the ouster of these two parties from the political arena is important to ensure a bright future. In response to this statement, Mehbooba Mufti, chairman of the PDP, accused Modi of promoting communal politics and religious divisions and reminded him that Kashmir is not a “heirloom” that anyone can inherit.

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She tweeted, “Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris. Not anybody’s heirloom to inherit. Self-seeking politics is intentionally blurring lines between self & country, exploiting armed forces to grab power, fuelling communal politics & dividing the country in the name of religion. Kuch yaad aaya (Do you remember anything)?”

Modi’s Policy of Encouraging Religious & Ethnic Divisions

On Sunday, the President of IAK’s National Conference, Farooq Abdullah highlighted that Modi and the BJP President Amit Shah are driving an agenda of dividing India on the basis of religion, caste, and ethnicity. Greater Kashmir reported that while addressing a public gathering in Srinagar, Farooq Abdullah stated that “people have made it a point not to fall prey to the divisive agenda of the saffron party”.

To meet this purpose, they have employed various henchmen in our state; such cronies can be seen holding ‘ink-pot’ and ‘apple’ in their hands.

Referring to the BJP’s agenda to scrape away special privileges granted to the Kashmiris, Abdullah asserted, “These people want to change the very framework of the constitution of India, which grants equal rights and opportunities to everyone. It is the constitution of India which grants right to profess any faith. It confers upon our state certain constitutional safeguards. It grants our state a special status by means of Articles 35-A and 370. These people have always shown abhorrence for our special status and special constitutional position,”

NC President Farooq Abdullah noted, “Their sole agenda is to change the demography of our state, however, let me tell them that they are playing with fire. To meet this purpose, they have employed various henchmen in our state; such cronies can be seen holding ‘ink-pot’ and ‘apple’ in their hands. The sole aim of BJP and its cronies is to make non-state subjects buy land and property in our state.”

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Abdullah stressed that the ongoing general election is a significant turning point as it will decide whether or not India will remain a secular country. He stressed that the fight of the Kashmiris is a fight against the “divisive forces” and that the people of the valley must remind them that they are powerless when it comes to the question of repealing the special status of the Kashmiri People.

He warned the locals listening to his public address in Srinagar, “They can go to any extent to grind their axe; they will use men, money, and machinery to coerce the voters. However, the need of the hour demands us to remain united and vigilant of their machinations. This time we are voting for our identity and the integrity of our state. Any mistake by us will have serious repercussions for the coming generations of ours.”

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He vowed the National Conference will not allow any entity to interfere with the special status of the occupied valley, and the people must strive to “protect the identity, integrity and pluralistic character of our state. NC President Farooq Abdullah concluded, “We would not allow anyone to abridge our rights”.