Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was rushed to the hospital following an attack during an attempted robbery at his Bandra, Mumbai residence early Thursday morning.
According to the Hindustan Times, the Race actor sustained six stab wounds inflicted by an intruder who broke into his home around 2:30 a.m. local time. The attacker fled the scene, and police are currently investigating the incident.
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Several outlets, including The Indian Express, reported that the 54-year-old actor was admitted to Lilavati Hospital.
In an official statement, Khan’s team confirmed, “There was an attempted burglary at Mr. Saif Ali Khan’s residence. He is currently in the hospital undergoing surgery. We request the media and fans to remain patient and will provide updates on his condition.”
An insider revealed to SCREEN that the intruder entered the residence around 1 a.m., armed with a knife. A nanny living in the house spotted the burglar and raised the alarm. When Khan came out to respond, he was attacked.
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Lilavati Hospital’s COO, Niraj Uttamani, shared details about Khan’s injuries. “Saif Ali Khan was brought in at 3:30 a.m. He has six injuries, two of which are deeper, including one near his spine,” he told Hindustan Times. “The full extent of the damage will be determined after the surgery.”
It remains unclear who else was present in the house during the incident.