
Why Writing is the Most Important Thing to Learn in College

Writing isn’t a skill reserved for those who study Literature, or to a student who needs to write an academic paper to land a better grade. The ability to write well is the cornerstone of quality education. This is a skill that’s crucial for overall success in life, not to mention the impact it can have on one’s academic performance. 

From Literature and Arts to Engineering and Philosophy, writing affects every discipline. And unlike what most students think, the importance of writing goes beyond submitting an A+ paper.

In this post, we’ll unravel the reasons why writing is important for students and why professors are so focused on helping them improve the skill. More importantly, we’ll give you some very useful tips on how to boost your writing skills. 

Developing Writing Skills in College

The world of academic writing is complex – and pretty challenging. From small articles to lengthy essays to dissertations and theses that demand hundreds of pages – students write non-stop while in college. Here are some very useful tips that should help you improve your writing – and with it, your grades.

Get Professional Help

Not every student is a talented writer. Many of them struggle with writing their assignments. The result? They get low grades because of their poor writing skills, even if they are amazing at the subject and study a lot. 

One of the best ways to improve your writing skills is by reading. But, it’s not enough to read just anything. If you want to learn how to write actual academic papers, you need to read the work of someone experienced in it. This is where an essay writer from Edubirdie comes into the picture. Students now can get online help from professionals and eliminate some of the many tasks from their schedule. This won’t just give them more time to focus on studying, but it will also guarantee a high grade, not to mention provide them with the material to learn how to write better. 

When you get a paper from a professional, you’re basically getting an A-grade assignment to learn from. You can use these as the cornerstone for your future writing and learn how to do it better.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The saying ‘practice makes perfect’ is the most accurate thing when it comes to writing. If you want to up your game and get higher grades for your papers in college, you need to practice. Good writing can take some time, and it will probably require some trials and errors. But eventually, you’ll learn how to write better and impress your college professors. 

How Important is Writing for a College Student?

When we talk about the importance of writing skills in college, the first thing that comes to mind is academic performance. But, this is not the only benefit from learning how to write.

Academic Success

Let us put this as simple as it can get – if you write well, your grades will be better. Most professors today grade their students on their performance on tests, their attendance, class activity, but also their assignments. And since assignments are more numerous and versatile than ever, these take a tremendous portion of your grade. 

Better writing means better academic success, followed by more prospects for work. 

Intellectual Development

Simply put, writing is a way to convey some information. When you do your research and write on a topic, you are also developing your intellect. Writing is a process that requires you to organize your thoughts, make arguments, and engage in critical thinking. This simulates mental growth and will help your intellectual development.

Well, this is definitely one of the most valuable skills in academic settings – and later in life. 


Writing is a form of communication that’s vital to your academic success, but it’s also a life skill that you’ll need nonstop. Whether you need to write a business email, your first resume, a report at work, or a speech – you need good writing skills for just about anything these days. 

Wrapping Up

Today’s world is driven by information. Writing is a skill required everywhere – in school, in our daily lives, and even more in the business world. You need it for your academic and professional success, which is why the focus is so set on it when you are at college. So, roll up your sleeves, start practicing, read up on some quality papers, and ace those assignments!

Author’s Bio

Gloria Delgado is an expert academic writer. She specializes in writing business papers such as theses and dissertations and helps students who study for their MBA. In her spare time, Gloria travels the world with her family and publishes her experiences on her travel blog.