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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Book review: Exploring the underemphasized reflections on BRI

Political scientists Alan Chong and Quang Min Pham bring with their edited volume, Critical Reflections on China’s Belt and Road Initiative (Palgrave MacMillan, 2020),...

Op-ed: Biden faces uphill task regaining trust of public after bombshell report

In two bombshell reports, Emma-Jo Morris and Gabrielle Fonrouge of the New York Post have leveled damning allegations of Hunter Biden’s murky financial dealings...

Op-ed: Ishrat Husain’s new book provides logical answers to Pakistan’s governance dilemma

Dr. Ishrat Husain, the former dean of IBA and ex-governor State Bank of Pakistan has contributed to the list of the books that tend...

Op-ed: Focus on export, FDI requires paradigm shift in Pakistan’s foreign policy

Efforts to increase export ranks are among the highest priorities of any government wishing to invigorate economic growth and thereby achieve economic independence. As...

PM Imran Khan’s decision to meet business leaders for economic feedback lauded

Prime minister Imran Khan's decision to meet with business leaders and get their feedback for economic improvement has been lauded in the business community...

Op-ed: CPEC can play important role to further Russian interest in Eurasian connectivity

'One World'  reports that Andrew Korybko an American analyst has written about how an Azerbaijani victory in the Nagorno-Karabakh region would benefit Russia. Russian...

How much will Steel Mill employees get after ‘golden handshake’ with government?

The ECC (Economic Coordination Committee) on Wednesday approved a 'golden handshake scheme' to relieve all of the employees of Pakistan Steel Mills, reported 'Saama.' The...

Pakistan’s automobile industry in recovery with increased localization

The automobile industry has shown the greatest recovery, according to Mansoor Ahmed, writing for the News today. This may be because its vendor base...

Turkmenistan to begin construction on TAPI gas pipeline

Turkmenistan announced on Friday that it intends to build a gas pipeline from the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan border to the Herat offtake point in Afghanistan. Pakistan...

Sign of Things to Come: Joe Biden Patronizes Britain over Brexit

Besides former President Obama’s supposed “goodwill,” Joe Biden has nothing to show for his performance as former vice president, except for frequent gaffes and...

Propaganda about CPEC halt untrue: Asim Bajwa

SAPM Bajwa lamented the propaganda about CPEC that stated that the project was at a halt. He said that even though due to a...

PM inaugrates coveted Rashakai Economic Zone

Prime Minister Imran Khan speaking to a conference in Islamabad inaugurated the Rashakari Special Economic Zone, completed as a project of the CPEC. He began...