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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Pakistan’s path to achieving its true potential

Pakistan has immense potential, but achieving sustainable and inclusive growth requires a strong commitment from the government, greater private sector participation, and overcoming structural challenges. The present government is serious about addressing the major concerns faced by the economy, and its ambitious plans can become a reality with rational and long-term planning.

Barriers to Pakistan’s Export Led Growth

High protectionism serves as a hurdle to industrialization and needs to be addressed in order for the manufacturing sector to grow sustainably, create employment, and earn foreign exchange by increasing and diversifying exports. They also emphasize that modern techniques need to be adopted to enhance productivity, Executive Director & Secretary General APTMA explains.

Pakistan’s unsustainable public pension system

Tick-tock, tick-tock, Pakistan's ticking bomb are the hundreds of thousands of retired government employees and ex-army officials. The country has a trillion-Rupee problem, and it's growing: funding old government employees and army pensioners after retirement. The sheer quantum of the amount is creating a bigger issue than even the power sector’s circular debt. We give you an exegesis of the issue and possible long-term solutions.

Special Technology Zones Authority: Pakistan’s Ecosystem of Knowledge

Amer Hashmi, Chairman Special Technology Zone Authority (STZA) explains how Science Parks across Pakistan can change the future of Pakistan's industry and exports and let the country catch with the region around it.

24/8: Pakistan Prioritizing Officialdom over Creativity

24/8 explains Pakistan. Twenty-four officials and eight athletes went to the Olympics. He argues that Pakistan's government is all about officialdom, privilege, and arbitrary power; there is no role for professionalism or problem-solving through research and innovation or even hard work. Is it a wonder that even tiny Qatar came back with two gold medals and we empty-handed? Vice Chancellor PIDE argues

Addressing the Mismanagement of Water Resources

Former Chairman WAPDA argues that today's crisis in the water sector is not related to the 'hardware' of low reservoir capacity but the 'software' of institutional operational mismanagement. It is poor regulation and a failure to modernize the system, compounded by unchequered population growth and lack of modern farming that is turning Pakistan into a water-stressed country.

Pakistan’s Real Challenge: Water Crisis

Pakistan according to IMF is world's third most water stressed country. It needs hundreds of small dams, seepage proof canals, innovative methods of water use and conservation and need to abandon flood irrigation. Yet its federal and provincial government remain oblivious of these challenges, argues an ex-Advisor World Bank.

Pakistan needs hundreds of Dadhocha dams

Pakistan is currently amongst the most water-stressed nations of the world. In this context, the construction of small storage dams – like the Dadhocha dam being built by FWO in Rawalpindi - can play a key role in improving water supplies to towns and agriculture. It is estimated that the country offers sites for around 750 small dams.

Pakistan at 74: Challenges and opportunities for the future

On 14th August this year, Pakistan will be 74 years old. While this is still very young compared to most countries, its unique ideology and geographical position has meant that it has gone through many highs and lows but always managing to grab the global spotlight one way or another. With the Afghan Peace Process on one side and the Reign of RSS on the other, its future is still as unclear as ever. We contacted some of the topmost analysts to hear their take on the country’s challenges and opportunities going forward.

Why and How India was Partitioned

Author and retired naval officer discusses the intricacies of the India- Pakistan partition, which was not only hugely mismanaged by the British but also deliberately pushed as such by Indian politicians; blatantly stacked against Pakistan, in the hope the country would collapse.

Role of Judiciary and the Challenges it faces

Courts gain relevance and power in weak or fragmented political systems, where no one institution or class can exert a preeminent hold over the state and political processes. Such has been the case in Pakistan, which has been a prime breeding ground for the judicialization of politics.

Determinants of diplomacy: separating friend from foe

Ambassador Munir Akram is Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations. A diplomat for over fifty years, he has a wealth of experience in foreign relations, GVS Managing Editor Najma Minhas spoke to him to understand the compulsions driving Pakistan’s foreign relations for over the past seventy years.