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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Pakistan enters 2020: Govt & State Challenges ahead!

Editorial Periscope  In the last week of December, PTI government defanged country’s National Accountability Bureau (NAB) through an ordinance. PM Khan’s explanation is that it...

Challenges: Kashmir, Afghanistan & Beyond

Foreign Secretary of Pakistan, Mr. Sohail Mahmood, talks in-depth about Pakistan’s foreign policy challenges at the start of 2020. In an exclusive discussion, he explains Pakistan’s balancing acts between the US and China on one hand and between Iran and Saudi Arabia on the other. He minces no words in describing the difficult situation that has emerged in South Asia because of the rash actions of Modi government in occupied Jammu & Kashmir.

A Pakistani agent in Washington, an American mole in Islamabad

Moeed Yusuf’s saga from Washington to Islamabad epitomizes the fate of global era professionals who transcend political and cultural boundaries and end up facing national xenophobia and chauvinism.

Dissecting Pakistan’s legal system: growing rot

From hundreds of lawyers attacking Punjab Institute of Cardiology in Lahore without invoking any reaction from the Supreme Court to “Para-66” of a Special Court Verdict against Gen. Musharraf, a dangerous trend is discernible in Pakistan’s bar and bench that is destroying whatever good remained in Pakistani constitutionalism. The author, himself a lawyer, analyses the moral hazard

Captain’s premature congratulations to his economic team

Pakistan has been performing well in the field of economic stabilization yet calling it a win would be a premature celebration. Pakistan needs to take care of several things before we call it a success and claim to be on par with our regional and international competitors.

PTI launches Pakistan’s largest ever skill development program

NAVTTC is launching the “Hunarmand Pakistan” program, which focuses on giving skill-based education to youth so that they could find suitable employment in local industries. In the past, all emphasis has been on university degrees, and an increasingly large number of young men and women enter the job market without any meaningful skills. Is this about to change? GVS analyses.

Gandhi’s India unravelling: was Mahatma’s vision flawed?

Gandhi’s India of religious plurality is unraveling and melting under the popular rule of RSS – religious ideologues that had inspired his killing. Editor Global Village Space wonders if Mahatma’s vision fashioned by early 20th century British India was based on flawed assumptions?

Pakistan Energy Mix: Overview of Gas Sector (Upstream)

Pakistan imports almost 80% of its energy sources (oil, gas and LNG). GVS brings out a detailed report on Pakistan’s upstream sector to analyze country’s mammoth challenges. It examines how innovative policy making, better management and vision can still make a difference.

MPCL ready to explore new Horizons: CEO Explains

MPCL CEO Lt Gen Ishfaq Nadeem Ahmad explains the significance of Pakistani companies’ bidding for blocks in UAE and discusses challenges for the oil and gas exploration companies in Pakistan. He reveals MPCL’s future endeavors and rationalizes how the company would venture into green energy, sustainable energy & solar and wind projects.

Maheen Rahman – Fund Manager with a crystal ball

The Chief Executive of Alfalah GHP Investment Management believes that stability of exchange rate, slowing imports, and improving current account deficit, all point to economic stability in Pakistan. She is optimistic that Pakistan’s equity markets are turning around.

Pakistan’s New Tourism Story

A public policy expert analyses how Pakistan is fast developing its tourism potential through a cock tail of policies, enactments of laws, administrative steps and media management. He analyses how KP has led the way through KP Tourism Act-2019 and creation of KP Culture and Tourism Authority.

Marriage Story – the finest film of the year

The film is a dive into the troubled marriage of Charlie and Nicole. The movie makes sure to highlight that they don't hate each other even though they're at a point in their lives, where they no longer love each other as they used to.