Timeline: Where is Kashmir after August 5, 2019?
Whilst Right wing Hindu Indians celebrate victory over long gone Muslim Rulers: One year on, Kashmiris weep under a harsh lockdown where they are still cut off from the rest of the world.
Kashmir: the death nail of ‘Incredible India’?
Saad Rasool explains how through a constitutional travesty in removing Article 370. Modi’s Hindutva government extinguished the democratic hopes of 13 million Kashmiris, making a complete mockery of the façade that was secular democratic India. However, within a year of the revocation of Article 370, Modi is out of friends, and out of options.
Article 35A: Who created it, why and how they have turned against it?
State Subject law in Jammu & Kashmir as guaranteed by Art. 35-A of Indian Constitution was created by Dogra Raj in 1927 to protect the economic interests of Kashmiri Pundits, but now Modi’s Hindutva politics has destroyed this constitutional guarantee in its attempts to change the Muslim identity of Kashmir. Gandhi had fought against British imperialists; now Hindutva India is running a colony of its own.
Major Legal Milestones for Jammu & Kashmir State
On 6 August 2019 – with the approval of the Indian parliament, the government of India, declared all the clauses of Article 370 except clause 1 to be inoperative. Thus unilaterally stripping Jammu and Kashmir State, a disputed territory, of its special status that gave it significant autonomy.
Kashmir War against Words
Kashmiri Journalist based in Srinagar speaks out on the repression that the Indian state has imposed on media owners and Kashmiri journalists, "I learned through the journalistic grapevine that the owner of another English daily told his editorial staff that those who want to practice journalism should sit at home." The political order is geared towards making survival difficult for anyone who does not conform and all forms of dissent have been criminalized.
Pakistan’s new Political Map: A Master Stroke?
Hassan Aslam Shad, an International Law expert based in the Middle East, has written extensively on International Lawfare. Najma Minhas Editor Global Village Space interviewed him to understand why he views the new political map issued by Pakistan through the lawfare angle.Â
GVS exclusive interview with Tony Ashai, a businessman turned Kashmiri Activist
Tony Ashai shares his experience of social activism, what Pakistani and Kashmiri American's are doing in the United States to help their brethren back in Indian occupied Kashmir. He talks of the vigilantism he has personally faced from BJP stalwarts who even threatened to kill him.
Viceroy House Is Revisionist History At Its Lowest Point
The movie goes as far as to pin Jinnah as a troublemaker who single-handedly orchestrated a partition that divided an otherwise peaceful India, while not mentioning the communal violence or unrest that lead to Pakistan’s creation.
Jinnah: great film to watch for facts on Indo-Pak partition
The movie "Jinnah" is rich with historical facts and tries to accurately and objectively portray the much debated partition of the subcontinent in 1947.
Eurovision: A comedy without laughs but plenty of star power
The movie follows two Icelandic singers from a small town who want to become contestants of the Eurovision Song Contest.
July GVS Magazine Editorial
Best news comes first: Pakistan’s active Corona cases – tests or no tests - are going down earlier than the government estimated. All the...
Politics on Islamabad’s Hindu temple is regrettable
Fe'reeha Idrees, a prominent TV anchor asks, "While we enjoyed religious freedom in other countries, could we deny this to others in our country? A state which we believe came as a gift of God - did we not make Pakistan in respect for minorities after the majority in British India eroded our rights?"