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Corona, India China-Standoff and George Floyd define World this month

Editorial Periscope | June 2020 While the world around us is being jolted and shaped by one event after the other – pandemic, America's George...

Pakistan’s biggest issue is rule of law not corruption

Harvard lawyer argues that the current state of affairs in Pakistan reveals a vast chasm between aspiration and reality. The ability of any legal system to sustain itself in the long run ultimately depends on how well it responds to society’s deep demands for justice.

Internationalization of Police Reforms

The writer argues the George Floyd case has internationalized the debate on police reforms and the need to enhance accountability, something that is very pertinent to the Justice system in Pakistan. The case has sparked protests around the globe to stamp discrimination out of our daily lives and has brought forth an informed debate on human rights internationally.

AJK Judiciary: Why not treat it with same respect as in Pakistan?

Ex senior-most judge of the Supreme Court of Azad Kashmir (AJK) argues that the AJK judiciary should be treated with the same respect and deference as its counterpart in Pakistan. He laments that summaries for the appointment of Chief Justices of Supreme Court and High Court remain pending before Chairman Kashmir Council for months - thanks to the scheming bureaucracy in Islamabad.

Wuhan spirit breaks down: Will India learn that it cannot have Chinese cake and eat it too?

GVS Editor argues that China’s flexing of muscles in Ladakh was a long time in making as India treads a path that China feels goes against the Wuhan spirit that both countries had signed on for in 2018. She looks at whether India is in a position to take on China, and if Modi’s muscular foreign policy is bearing fruit.

Challenging Times for Kashmir

President of AJK analyses the changing landscape of the region and how the Modi government has used the Corona lockdown, while the world is otherwise occupied, to change the demography of Kashmir. Chinese moves at the LAC border has helped to raise the morale of the Kashmiri people to resist Indian brutality.

Will the Chinese Dragon and the Indian Tiger go to War?

Editor Force Magazine explains Chinese tactics against India in the recent skirmishes on the Line of Actual Control. He clarifies why the war between the two countries cannot happen, and why it is not needed due to Chinese cyber-warfare capabilities. He explains the contradiction in Indian policy in which it believes it is carrying out an independent foreign policy.

Pakistan Steel Mills: Sisyphean story of mismanagement, corruption & court interventions

GVS analyses the history of the former giant in the steel sector. Corruption, malpractice, and maybe even ‘good’ intentions have brought about the demise of the once profitable public enterprise. Court interventions, used by status quo beneficiaries, both political and trade unions, have forced subsequent governments to keep the institution alive in a coma state by wasting Pakistani taxpayers' hard-earned money.

Covid-19 Impact on Global Economy & Role for Global Financial Institutions

The political economist argues that the pandemic is putting international financial institutions under their hardest stress test since they were created. Their handling of this crisis will also determine the future of their roles in the new global economic order post-Corona.

Why Does Ertugrul Threaten The Pakistani Entertainment Industry?

Prime Minister Imran Khan’s approval of Ertugrul has ruffled feathers in the Pakistani film industry. Actors and producers see this as a threat to domestic production serials as Pakistani viewers flock away from local products. It is particularly ironic since Turkey’s state-owned TRT produces Ertugrul. In contrast, Pakistani governments have never supported the arts or film industry in the same way, as many regional competitors, including India do.

Netflix’s Kumail Nanjiani Film: The Lovebirds Is A Winning Comedy

The Lovebirds by Paramount Pictures was initially headed for the big screens before the COVID pandemic led the studio to scrap those plans.

Netflix’s Extraction: ‘A disgusting Western film’

The movie revolves around an Australian mercenary Tyler Rake (Hemsworth) whose services are employed when the son of an Indian drug lord is kidnapped by a rival drug lord Amir Saif.