Mind over Matter: Persistence works wonders in all situations in life
Ishaq Ali | Pakistan, has one of the largest disabled populations in the world, around 10 percent of its total population. For these people, life...
With Syrian attacks Trump launches his Queen on the chessboard
James M. Dorsey | One thing this week’s US air strikes in Syria highlight is the fact that the sands are continuously shifting as regional...
Deaths and injuries sustained by Kashmiris: Majority vote by staying away from State By-election
The world's largest democracy, India, saw violent clashes between soldiers and protesters in Sunday's by-election for the Srinagar Lok Sabha seat in which eight...
No support for the Global Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty?
Dr. Zafar N. Jaspal | The nuclear weapon abolitionists, once again, succeeded in drawing the attention of the international community towards the horrors of nuclear...
Pak-Afghan relations improving as both countries review previous no go areas
Imtiaz Gul | Multi-tier border management mechanism, a Pakistani demand stone-walled by Kabul on the pretext that "terrorists don't use regular border crossings". Ahead of the...
Trump & Syria: New President same old Imperialist strategy
Jacob G. Hornberger | With President Trump’s undeclared attack on Syria, a sovereign and independent nation, he has confirmed, once and for all, that he...
What is the biggest threat to Pakistan?
Saud Bin Ahsen | Climate change is one of the complex problems mankind is facing today. It refers to the variation in the Earth’s global...
US needs to prove that Syrian Government carried out the Chemical Attack
Sophie Mangal | On April 7, between 3.42am and 3.56am, a massive rocket attack was carried out from an area near Crete Island in the...
Peace in Afghanistan necessary to defeat ISIS in the region
Imdad Hussain | Islamic State’s presence in the Nangarhar province of Afghanistan is a source of concern not just to Pakistan, but to other countries...
Syria: Will Russia kneel in front of Washington?
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts | Update: Washington has reopened the conflict with a Tomahawk missile attack on Syrian Air Force Bases. The Russian/Syrian air defense...
The US’s top 10 Lies About Syria
David Swanson | The United States, like in many cases in the past, is now rushing into Syria for war – not peace. Portraying a...
Will Nikki Haley’s comments pressurize India to reduce its ‘muscular diplomacy?’
M. K. Bhadrakumar| When President-elect Donald Trump picked Ambassador Nikki Haley as the US ambassador to the United Nations, eyebrows were raised that she lacked...