Trump Nominees’ Filings Threaten to Overwhelm Federal Ethics Office

ERIC LIPTON and STEVE EDER WASHINGTON — Rex W. Tillerson owns more than $50 million of Exxon Mobil stock, has earned an annual salary of...

Trump Insists Mexico Will Pay for Wall After U.S. Begins the Work

MICHAEL D. SHEAR and EMMARIE HUETTEMAN WASHINGTON — As congressional Republicans on Friday discussed quickly moving ahead with plans for a southern border wall...

Putin Led a Complex Cyberattack Scheme to Aid Trump, Report Finds

MICHAEL D. SHEAR and DAVID E. SANGER WASHINGTON — President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia directed a vast cyberattack aimed at denying Hillary Clinton...

Fears that UK is heading towards ‘train crash’ Brexit

New UK ambassador to the EU, Sir Tim Barrow, inherits demoralised and depleted team and faces daunting task Sir Tim Barrow, Britain’s new permanent representative...

Trump’s tweets keep US manufacturers on their toes

Criticism of Ford, GM and others raises prospect of elements of US industrial strategy being formulated on social media Donald Trump’s prolific and opinionated tweeting...

Benjamin Netanyahu questioned again by Israeli police over gifts

Israeli PM is alleged to have accepted ‘favours’ from businesspeople but denies wrongdoing Israeli police have questioned the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, for the second...

UK’s lack of negotiating experience may lead to ‘very hard Brexit’

Norwegian prime minister Erna Solberg says long membership of EU has left Britain without key skills for successful trade talks Britain’s four-decade membership of the...

Give us Brexit detail or risk losing support, Tory moderates tell May

Backbenchers call for prime minister to set out her stance on the single market and customs union and stand up to hardline ‘fall-off-a-cliff’ Brexiters Theresa...

Trump to name ex-senator Dan Coats as director of national intelligence

Former Indiana lawmaker and member of the Senate intelligence committee has been banned from entering Russia: ‘I’m not a big fan of Putin’. President-elect Donald...

John Kerry blames Britain for derailing Obama’s plan for intervention in Syria

The US secretary of state made the link explicit between British parliament’s vote against air strikes and Obama’s failure to enforce his ‘red line’....

Pakistani Media: Prisoner of Cross-Media Ownership?

By: Zainab Assad I am a student of journalism and currently studying in one of the most prestigious women colleges of Pakistan. I often scare...

Map of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Projects

A recently released joint report from the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University of China and Caijing Magazine shows several multi-billion-dollar projects along the China-Pakistan...