Why 19th Century Europe became the richest part of the world? What can we learn?
Joel Mokyr | How and why did the modern world and its unprecedented prosperity begin? Learned tomes by historians, economists, political scientists and other scholars...
Capricorn, Pisces or Leo: Astrology may help you to find your perfect love..?
Loraine Couturier | No matter who you are, your astrology sign comes with some great relationship attributes. Maybe the Aries traits in you make you...
Does ‘shariah law’ fit in or clash with Western legal system?
Christopher van der Krogt | Islam, like Judaism, is a religion of law. The usual Arabic word for Islamic law is sharia (pronounced shar-ee-ah), originally...
Is sitting as dangerous as smoking?
Emmanuel Stamatakis | Sitting has been branded the “new smoking” for its supposed public health risks, especially for people with sit-down office jobs. Over the past...
Flynn’s political assassination: Stage being set to get “President Trump”…?
Peter Lavelle, prominent US journalist, from Univ of California, Anchor of "Cross-Talk" on multinational Russian TV (RT) argues in this brief video talk that...
Muslim Civilization: Essential Bridge & Connect between Ancient Greek & Modern World?
In European antiquity, philosophers largely wrote in Greek. Even after the Roman conquest of the Mediterranean and the demise of paganism, philosophy was strongly...
10 things that chronically unhappy people do & Keep doing?
Happy people don’t try for happiness. They don’t look for it. Happy people become happy as a sidenote to living their life the best...
“Orthodox Jewish men” removed from Easyjet flight after they refused sitting next to women
Fiona Simpson | A group of men was escorted from a flight as it landed at Luton airport over claims they refused to sit next...
Modi remains popular but faces disappointed voters in UP..!
Prashant Jha | Earlier this week, the New York Times reported that Prime Minister Narendra Modi faced ‘disappointed voters’ in Uttar Pradesh, India’s biggest state...
Why don’t doctors recommend non-drug treatments?
Ben Ewald | What if I told you half of all middle-ear effusions (persistent fluid), known as glue ear, could be fixed by the child...
US Establishment Forcing Trump to copy Obama’s Foreign policy?
Political elites in Washington will try to do everything possible to neutralize President Trump, putting him in a situation in which he would not be able to act independently, according...
Farewell Central Superior Services! Good riddance!
Talha ul Huda Before you jump to the conclusion that I’ve attempted the exam, failed and am now spewing venom out of bitterness, let me...