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Saturday, October 19, 2024

Without a Constitution, ‘Brexit’ Is Guided by a Prerogative. But Whose?

LONDON — For hundreds of years, the royal prerogative has allowed Britain’s leaders to mint coinage, requisition ships, send troops into battle or authorize...

Latest Wikileaks #Podesta emails: Black voters, ‘backstabbing’ & San Bernardino

WikiLeaks have uploaded yet another batch of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta. This ninth release brings the total number of leaked...

Hillary Clinton Liked Covert Action if It Stayed Covert, Transcript Shows

Hillary Clinton longs for the days when Americans knew how to execute a covert action abroad and not spill the details to reporters. Addressing a...

US anti-Russia rhetoric goes nuclear with threats of covert cyber-attacks

The world seems to be sleepwalking its way into a geopolitical maelstrom as the US, increasingly paranoid over Russia, said it is considering a...

‘Putin’s French visit cancellation helped France save face’

Putin made things easier for French President Francois Hollande by canceling his visit to France. Hollande is in a difficult position, analysts told RT....

Vladimir Putin cancels Paris visit amid Syria row

Kremlin accuses France of seeking to humiliate Russian leader after Élysée planned to downgrade his trip. ladimir Putin has cancelled a visit to Paris after...

Vladimir Putin snubs France after Syria war crimes comments

Tensions have been rumbling between the two leaders since the weekend, when Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution aimed at ending Syrian regime...

Militia commander killed in bombing attack in eastern Ukraine

One of the commanders of the self-proclaimed Donetsk Peoples Republic’s defense forces has been killed in an explosion after a bomb reportedly went off...

Turkey seeks to expand border ‘safe zone’ 45km into Syria

Ankara has announced plans to expand the so-called security zone deeper into northern Syria, after rebels – backed by Turkey's tanks and air force...

The outrage media’s war games

THE smoke-filled newsrooms of English dailies in the Dubai of the 1980s where a clutch of newspapers had just debuted should normally have been...

Can we trust the Saudis to stick to the OPEC Deal?

As Saudi Arabia leads the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries in developing a six-month freeze deal, investors and industry officials should consider one key...

Cyril Almeida’s Story Points To Old Fault Lines And New Strains In Pakistan Army-Govt relationship

 Ayesha Siddiqa | The media in Pakistan and outside was abuzz for some 48 hours over a story published by the English newspaper Dawn, regarding a...