Muslims are the least educated amongst all the major religions
Muslims along with Hindus have the lowest number of years of formal schooling. At 5.6 years, it is way below the global average of...
Pakistan fears Indian delaying tactics will be used to build dams
India has claimed to be ready to resolve differences with Pakistan over the designs of the Kishenganga and Ratle dam projects, over which Pakistan...
Indians and Pakistanis leaving their countries in droves
More Indians have left India as migrants than any other nationality, a new Pew Research survey shows. India is the number one country of origin...
Indian-American Businessman tells Trump how to deal with Pakistan
In the latest twist for Pakistan, on its potential relationship with the new incoming administration, it appears that President-elect Trump is taking advice from a...
Why Modi needs to wake up? Advice from a Pakistani
Imtiaz Gul | Indian hardliner party Shiv Sena, according to an editorial in Saamana, wants Prime Minister Narendra Modi to ban Pakistani film and artists. “Can...
UAE Financial Regulations may soon become Pakistan’s next political scandal
UAE based banks have started sending out notices, to all wealthy account holders, asking them to provide information on their citizenship and tax resident...
World Bank backs out of arbitration on Indus Water Treaty: Implications for Pakistan?
The World Bank has backed out of playing arbiter between the two countries, on the issue of India building dams on Pakistan’s rivers, creating...
China Installs Weapons in South China Sea, Satellites Show
President Xi Jinping had pledged not to place arms on the islands in the Spratly archipelago. BEIJING—China has installed antiaircraft guns and other weapons on...
Vladimir Putin seeks formal end to second world war hostilities with Japan
Russian president says he wants to tackle ‘anachronism’ of Kuril islands territorial dispute in summit with prime minister Shinzo Abe Russia and Japan kick off...
Moscow has the world’s attention. For Putin, that’s a win.
MOSCOW — President VladiÂmir Putin is winning. For now. The Russian leader is winning because the post-Cold War order he has railed against has been thrown into...
India’s demonetization dampened sales for the world’s biggest diamond producer
Bain & Co. predicts that by 2020, India will surpass Europe and Japan to become the world’s third-largest market for diamond jewelry, trailing only...
Aleppo battle: Hopes rise for evacuation of rebel-held areas
Hopes have risen that a planned evacuation of rebel-held parts of the Syrian city of Aleppo will now begin soon, after an earlier deal...