Hasina’s push For Rohingya “Safe Zones” Might End Up Destabilizing Northeastern India..?
Andrew Korybko | Bangladesh implored the UN last week to set up a so-called “safe zone” in Myanmar. The Bangladeshi Prime Minister claimed that this would...
Myanmar government refuses to accept Rohingya Muslims as its own citizens
Mong Palatino | On September 19, 2017, Myanmar’s State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi delivered a widely anticipated speech in front of diplomats, United Nations officials,...
For the flickering candles of hope!!
Rabia Qureshi | This poem is dedicated to Rohingya Muslims who have been at the receiving end of the atrocities being committed by Myanmar government and...
The risks of military engagement against North Korea
Jonathan Augustine | The $20 million we spend daily maintaining the US nuclear arsenal could instead be used to provide $1,000 per day for every one...
Kim Jong-Un’s slogan of freedom doesn’t make him lunatic
Waqas Shabbir | In absolute terms, North Korean aggression is not a right way to go about things, but in relative terms, any sovereign country...
Will China be able to defeat USA in a direct military conflict?
Jumel G. Estrañero | "Let China sleep, for when she wakes the world will shake." That is according to Napoleon Bonaparte. Right now, we see...
Haley says that Pyongyang will be destroyed if it doesn’t change its approach
News Analysis | US envoy to the UN, Nikki Haley has warned North Korea of destruction if it does not stop its reckless behavior because...
Twitter to ban Kashmiri journalists on India’s request
Vishal Manve | Dozens of people who have tweeted about the conflict in Indian-administered Kashmir or shown sympathy for Kashmiri independence movements online may soon be censored...
Rohingya is a humanitarian issue not a Muslim one!
M K Bhadrakumar | The Trump administration is shifting gear on Myanmar. After positioning itself on the “right side of history”, Washington is making the...
Kim roars again as Trump looks at military options
News Analysis | North Korea's top man, Kim Jong Un has pledged to continue efforts to achieve the country's nuclear goals which are aimed at...
Philippines: trapped between rising China & unassertive US in the Far East
Jumel Estrañero | It is true that neither friends nor enemies will stay the same, yet interests will always stay in the full circle. In...
Delhi feels threatened by hapless Rohingya refugees
News Analysis | The Indian government has told its Supreme Court that Rohingya refugees are a threat to the country's national security. The top court...